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He was engaged in the battles of White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Monmouth, and Germanton, and remained in the Northern Army under General Washington until some time in the year 1779, when, his health failing, he was sent into the country. After a short absence he reported himself for service to Gen. Washington.

Lucy would often devote a page or more of her letters to recalling the comforts of her own room at Yardley, so different from what she was enduring at Trenton, and longing for them to come again. Parts of these letters Jane read to the doctor, and all of them to Martha, who received them with varying comment.

"How do you know that?" asked Miss Sommerton, turning quickly towards him: "you have never seen any of my sketches." "Ah, well," stammered Trenton, "no that is you know are not those water-colours in Mason's house yours?" "Mr. Mason has some of my sketches. I didn't know you had seen them."

"The firing having continued some minutes, though less in volleys than at first, gradually ceased, and all was quiet, as if nothing had happened to disturb the deathlike stillness of the night. Yet, in that brief hall hour, the fate of a continent was decided the almost desperate cause of the colonies had been retrieved. The victory of Trenton had been achieved.

My trunk, which I had left there sixteen months before, was safe, and I had a good suit of clothes on my back the clothes I took off when I went to prison in Trenton and which were returned to me when I came away.

"You certainly print some very large papers." With this the reporter took his leave, and next morning Mr. Trenton saw the most astonishing account of his ideas on art matters imaginable. What struck him most forcibly was, that an article written by a person who admittedly knew nothing at all about art should be in general so free from error.

A younger man, his hand clenched over a wound in the breast, said monotonously, over and over again, "I am from Trenton, New Jersey, I am from Trenton, New Jersey." A third with glazing eyes made the sign of the cross, drew himself out of the sun, under one of the little pine trees, and died. Some of the prisoners were silent. Others talked with bravado to their captors.

I seemed to be literally blown out by the explosion, and I narrowly escaped with my life." The ironworks were finally removed to Trenton, New Jersey, where to this day, under the vigorous management of Mr. Hewitt and his partners, they are very successful. During these active years Peter Cooper never for a moment lost sight of the great object of his life.

When Honeyman had finished telling his tales, one to one army and another to the other, he knew that it would be better for him to get out of the neighborhood. He was quite sure that Washington would take Trenton, and, if he should be found in that city when it was captured, it might be hard for even the commander in chief to prevent him from being shot.

He says they would knock down his fences climbing over them, and like as not set fire to his barn." "Old Dutcher was always a crank," said Mr. Rogers, "and doubtless will be to the end. By the way, I heard a rumour to the effect that you are soon going to take a course at the business college in Trenton. I hope it's true." Ned's frank face clouded over. "I'm afraid not, sir.