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Updated: August 23, 2024

But I've been a war correspondent; I know all about first aid to the injured; I have seen wounds of all kinds, and it didn't take me long to estimate 'mister magusalem's' chances at about a thousand to one, for recovery. I made the chauffeur help me, and together we toted the wounded man to my car, and put him in the tonneau.

I lost my regiment in the fight; and the next day I heard they had been toted over this way, and I put after them right smart," answered Tom, adopting as much of the Georgia vernacular as his knowledge would permit. "Walk all the way?" "No; I came in the keers most of the way." "But you don't wear our colors," added the farmer, glancing at Tom's clothes.

The artist looked at him curiously. "I don't believe you care half as much as I do!" Uncle William returned the look, smiling broadly. "It'll seem putty good to feel my own boards under me again," he said cheerfully. "But you didn't care when you didn't have them," said the artist. "You just toted those infernal kittens " Uncle William's chuckle was genial.

From the very start me and Tom allowed that there was somebody sick in the stateroom next to ourn, because the meals was always toted in there by the waiters. By and by we asked about it Tom did and the waiter said it was a man, but he didn't look sick. "Well, but AIN'T he sick?" "I don't know; maybe he is, but 'pears to me he's just letting on." "What makes you think that?"

But he ain't MY style, nohow, and I never saw the picture at all until after I'd toted you, when you fainted, up to your house, or I'd have made my kalkilations and acted according. I'd have laid low in the woods, and got away without skeerin' you. You see what I mean?

"'Tain't as if you wuz some pore down-an'-out devil tryin' to beat the cops out of doin' his bit in stir. You're the way-up, high-an'-mighty kind of crook. An' from wot I've read an' heard about you, you never toted fair with nobody yet. There wuz that young feller, wot's his name? the cashier him that wuz tried with you.

Leave it outside thar, miss. I wouldn't have toted it in, anyhow, if some of those high-falutin' fellows hadn't allowed, the other night, ez it were the reg'lar thing to do; as if, miss, any gentleman kalkilated to ever put on his hat in the house afore a lady!" But Christie had already possessed herself of the unlucky object, and had placed it upon the table.

It made him mad, right mad, it did, an' he jes' heave up dat hyeh anchoh an' toted it off to sea, draggin' de ship wif him." The owner of the Golden Falcon laughed. "Can you beat that? That's the worst fish story I've heard, Colin. You tell some good ones, too!" "It's an old story," the boy answered, "and I believe it's true. They have often run away with boats."

The rangers dropped in every evening with offerings. Ranger Winess brought us love songs. He doted on John McCormack's ballads, and I secretly applauded his choice. Of course I had to praise the Harry Lauder selections that Ranger Fisk toted in. White Mountain favored Elman and Kreisler. The violin held him spellbound.

"Do you know he lifted me as if I were a baby and toted me out of that God-forsaken corn field in the hottest fire I ever felt and I tipped the scales at a hundred and fifty pounds before I went to Romney." "Go way, Marse Dan, you ain' nuttin' but a rail," protested Big Abel, and continued his story.

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