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Updated: August 27, 2024

The hotels and apartment houses are always well filled. They are up- to-date, well kept and flourishing; the cafes are constantly being enlarged. The real estate business is also progressive; one may rent splendidly furnished houses, or modest cottages, or apartments at very fair prices.

Another thing, the town ought to be glad to get a good, up- to-date department. If you don't accent my offer then I must consider moving my lumber yard to a location where there is better fire protection." This was something of which no one had thought, A number of the men of Lakeville found employment in the lumber yard, and if it went to some other town it would mean quite a loss.

It was a settlement twenty years before Lebanon had a house, though the latter exceeded the population of Manitou in five years, and became the home of all adventuring spirits land agents, company promoters, mining prospectors, railway men, politicians, saloon keepers, and up to-date dissenting preachers.

"It's pretty and sweet, Mother dear, very simple with a little upright piano and quite a number of books and a fireplace. Just behind is a room where we can have our meals. We can use as many bedrooms as we like; there are five and Sister said if we wished, one could be made into an up-stairs-sitting-room. The bathroom was really up- to-date, and looking very clean."

"On a polished rose-wood stand behind you there reposes a reliable and up- to-date atlas," said Mellowkent; "and now I must really ask you to be going." "An atlas," said Caiaphas, "gives merely the chart of the river's course, and indicates the principal towns that it passes.

We a were waiting for her seventeenth birthday to give it to her mother and I " "Oh, I suppose you paid for part of it," remarked Ed with a laugh. "No; but I ran it up from the garage for her. It's a fine, up- to-date car, and now that sis has it she's as happy as a kitten lapping up sweet cream." "And she's as plucky as um what shall I say?

It was a settlement twenty years before Lebanon had a house, though the latter exceeded the population of Manitou in five years, and became the home of all adventuring spirits land agents, company promoters, mining prospectors, railway men, politicians, saloon keepers, and up to-date dissenting preachers.

"Any signs of 'em, Thad?" whispered Giraffe, who was close at the heels of the scout-master; so close indeed, that Thad had more than once wondered whether the tall and nervous scout were still waving that up- to-date tomahawk, and if he the leader, might be so unlucky as to get in the way of the dangerous weapon. "Nothing that I can see," Thad answered, softly.

'It costs more in advertisements, but my phrase at once enlists the sympathy of every liberal and elegant mind. 'The divine Althaea Marchioness of Bowton? 'The same, said Merton. 'The oldest woman, and the most recklessly up- to-date in London. She has seen bien d'autres, and wants to see more. 'She will do; and my aunt, Logan said.

These are the modern forces by which the nation is said to be governed; these are the means by which the nation strives to go ahead. To talk only of these things, to believe only in these things, to live only these things, is to be modern and down low down to-date. To work from any motive but the making of money is to be queerly behind-the-times.

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