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Are not you then the Emperor of the Moon? And you the Prince of Thunderland? Cin. There's no such Person, Sir. These Stories are the Fantoms of mad Brains, To puzzle Fools withal the Wise laugh at 'em Come, Sir, you shall no longer be impos'd upon. Doct. No Emperor of the Moon, and no Moon World! Char. Ridiculous Inventions.

I confess I am, as you may see by my Garb, Sir, a little Incognito, because the publick Message I bring is very private which is, that the mighty Iredonozor, Emperor of the Moon, with his most worthy Brother, the Prince of Thunderland, intend to sup with you to Night. Therefore be sure you get good Wine. Though by the way let me tell you, 'tis for the sake of your fair Daughter. Scar.

Bellemante, Harlequin, Cinthio's Man, Mr. Jevern. Officer and Clerk. Elaria, Daughter to the Doctor, Mrs. Cooke. Bellemante, Niece to the Doctor, Mrs. Mumford. Florinda, Cousin to Elaria and Bellemante. Mopsophil, Governante to the young Ladies, Mrs. Cory. The Persons in the Moon, are Don Cinthio, Emperor; Don Charmante, Prince of Thunderland.

The doctor is bawling for help when the wily servant totters out yawning and rubbing his eyes to explain the whole affair away as a delusion or a vision produced by lunar agency, declaring that there has been a visit from the Moon World of their King and the Prince of Thunderland, who have descended a-courting Elaria and Bellemante.

In Person and with him, a Man of mighty Quality, Sir, 'tis thought, the Prince of Thunderland but that's but whisper'd, Sir, in the Cabal, and that he loves your Niece. Doct. Miraculous! how this agrees with all I've seen and heard To Night, say you, Sir? Char. So 'tis conjectur'd, Sir, some of the Cabalists are of opinion, that last Night there was some Sally from the Moon. Doct.

I understand not your Cabalistical Language; but in mine, I confess that you wak'd me from the rarest Dream Where methought the Emperor of the Moon World was in our House, dancing and revelling; and methoughts his Grace was fallen desperately in love with Mistriss Elaria, and that his Brother, the Prince, Sir, of Thunderland, was also in love with Mistriss Bellemante; and methoughts they descended to court 'em in your Absence And that at last you surpriz'd 'em, and that they transform'd themselves into a Suit of Hangings to deceive you.

After some intriguing between Harlequin and Scaramouch for the duenna's hand, in the course of which the former disguises himself in female attire and again as a country lad, the latter as a learned apothecary, Charmante visits the doctor, and feigning to be a cabalist profound in occult lore, bids him prepare that night to receive Irednozor, monarch of the Moon, and the Prince of Thunderland who will appear to wed his daughter and his niece.

Most reverend Bards profound Philosophers thus low I bow to pay my humble Gratitude. Kep. The Emperor, Sir, salutes you, and your fair Daughter. Gal. And, Sir, the Prince of Thunderland salutes you, and your fair Neice. Doct. Thus low I fall to thank their Royal Goodness. They take him up. Bell. Came you, most reverend Bards, from the Moon World? Kep. Most lovely Maid, we did. Doct.