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Sir George had heard the sentiment before, and without debate or protest. Now it disgusted him. 'Faugh, man! he said, rising. 'Have done! You sicken me. Go and bore Lord Almeric if he has not gone to Paris to save his ridiculous skin! But Mr. Thomasson, who had borne abuse of himself with Christian meekness, could not hear that unmoved.

'There is a chaise and pair just come in from the Melksham Road, he said, 'and gone to the Angel, if that is what you want, your honour. 'A lady with them? 'I saw none, but there might be. 'How long ago? 'Ten minutes. 'We're right! Mr. Pomeroy cried with a jubilant oath, and turning back to the door of the carriage, slipped the pistols into his skirt pockets. 'Come, he said to Thomasson.

Good morning. And with that he strutted out and marched slowly and majestically down the stairs. He bore off the honours of war. Mr. Thomasson, left among his Titian copies, his gleaming Venuses, and velvet curtains, was a sorry thing.

He proposed to call and inquire after his antagonist at a decent hour in the morning, and if the report proved favourable, to go on to Lord 's in the afternoon. But his suspense was curtailed, and his inquiries were converted into a matter of courtesy, by a visit which he received after breakfast from Mr. Thomasson. A glance at the tutor's smiling, unctuous face was enough. Mr.

Have a care, sir, cried the lawyer, trembling. 'Or than I have! persisted Mr. Thomasson hardily, and with his head in the air; 'and no right or title to be anywhere but in the servants' room. That is their proper place. Lady Dunborough, he continued, his eyes darting severity at the three culprits, 'are you aware that this young person whom you have been so kind as to notice is is

But he was already in the hall, ordering fresh saddle-horses for himself and his man. My lady heard the order, and stood listening. Mr. Thomasson heard it, and stood quaking. At any moment the door of the room in which the girl was supping might open it was adjacent to the hall and she come out, and the two would meet. Nor did the suspense last a moment or two only.

'Sho! man, where is the sport in that? Pomeroy cried, receiving the suggestion with disgust. 'It is what Lord Almeric proposed, Mr. Thomasson answered. The two glasses of wine he had taken had given him courage. 'I am no player, and at games of skill I am no match for you. A shadow crossed Mr. Pomeroy's face; but he recovered himself immediately.

'For it's hey, derry down, and it's over the lea. And it's out with the fox in the dawning! sang my lord in an uncertain voice. And then, 'Lord! I've a d d deuce! Tommy has it! Tommy's Pam has it! No, by Gad! Pomeroy, you have won it! Your Queen takes! 'And I shall take the Queen! quoth Mr. Pomeroy. Then ceremoniously, 'My first draw, I think? 'Yes, said Mr. Thomasson nervously.

We published in a former chapter the letter of recommendation this same Robert S. Kelley had written, certifying to the good behavior of the people of the county, and the facts of the case were not altered now; save and only this, that a black woman, the slave of Grafton Thomasson, had drowned herself. This said Thomasson was a drinking man, and when in drink was desperate and dangerous.

The attorney, flustered and excited, cast a look at Mr. Thomasson as if his entrance were an added grievance; but that done, went on with his complaint. 'I tell you, sir, he said, 'I do not understand this. His lordship was able to travel yesterday, and last evening he was well enough to see Sir George Soane. 'He did not see him, the physician answered stiffly.