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Elsewhere there appears a statement regarding the elk of Jackson Hole, and the efforts made and being made to save them. At this point we are interested in the game of Wyoming as a whole. First of all, the killing of mountain sheep should absolutely cease, for ten years. A similar ten-year close season should be accorded moose and prong-horned antelope.

Dearly-beloved friends: The opening of the second year of the third phase of a ten-year long Crusade, marking the passing of a little over one third of its duration; coinciding with the closing of a period rendered memorable by the achievement of so many of its goals, as well as by a succession of victories won in fields beyond its scope; significantly ushered in by the emergence of no less than thirteen national and regional spiritual assemblies in four continents, with a jurisdiction embracing more than forty territories of the globe, in the election of which over three hundred delegates representing more than one hundred and thirty local communities will participate; and over the inauguration of which no less than thirteen Hands of the Cause of God will presidethe opening of so auspicious a year must be signalized by a solemn renewal of dedication, on the part of all who are participating in this colossal, world-girdling enterprise, and indeed by the entire company of those who profess the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh—a dedication which, as the year pursues its course, will be reflected in acts the brilliance of which will eclipse the shining exploits achieved since the inception of the Crusade, and, indeed, since the commencement of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation.

Dear Bahá’í Friends: It is impossible for me to convey to you the great happiness of the Guardian over the results achieved since the auspicious opening of the Ten-Year Crusade. The Guardian’s final cable to the Conference in New Delhi shared with the friends the information that fifty of the virgin areas have been settled as of October 14th, and fifty-four more have been assigned to pioneers.

The number of islands now within the pale of the Faith, situated in the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Indian Oceans as well as in the Mediterranean and the North Sea, is now over a hundred, seventy-four of which have been opened since the inauguration of the World Spiritual Crusade, including five islands, situated in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and not listed as objectives of the Ten-Year Plan.

One mother and her children, a ten-year old boy, a child of four years, and a babe of eight months, in some way were passed by the wagons. These four were left on the right bank of the river when the others had crossed.

I have often gone back to that little chapel not to pray, I wasn't brought up with such ideas but to see the stains of my blood which still remain on the stones. "On account of my youth I received a ten-year sentence. I was sent to Mont Saint-Michel. That was why I didn't take part in the riots of 1834.

"He only allowed ten-year leases; but the one occupied by Ersten came to him with a twenty-year life on it. We've bought off all the other tenants, at startlingly extravagant figures in some cases; but Ersten won't listen." "Did you rattle your keys?" inquired Johnny, much interested. "As loudly as possible," returned Lofty, smiling.

B. So that all documents may have the same reference, I have changed your letter of February 5th, to show Steinbacher Hohe, as No. C.; and Forsthausstrasse as No. 3 April 1954 Dear Bahá’í Friends: The beloved Guardian is very anxious to have full information concerning the pioneers in the virgin areas of the Ten-Year Crusade.

These bonds they then used as collateral. Stone carried all that he could, at enormous usury, I understand, and let some of his banker friends in on the rest; and I suppose the banks paid him a rake-off. The ten-year period is up this fall, and their bonds are naturally retired; but, of course, they will renew." "I'm not so sure about that," said Bobby.

Even with the best sort of a backing, it is always a ten-year pull for a youngster before he counts in the world. I could have sold The Briers, but I couldn't make up my mind to do it, and then while I hesitated I I" he paused a minute and steadied his voice, while I took his hand and held on to it tight "I got a call a land call that I had to answer.