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He was much older than the Maypole man, being to all appearance five-and-forty; but was one of those self-possessed, hard-headed, imperturbable fellows, who, if they are ever beaten at fisticuffs, or other kind of warfare, never know it, and go on coolly till they win. 'If I led you wrong now, said Hugh, tauntingly, 'you'd ha ha ha! you'd shoot me through the head, I suppose.

Alice could scarcely refrain from giving a cry of dismay as she saw this. "Could he not be sent to Virginia?" she asked. "Could you not go out and join him there?" exclaimed the Judge, tauntingly. "If you are not content with having saved your crop-eared lover's life, you shall have his dead body by to-morrow morning, wench, and I will order him to be hung forthwith."

A soldier broke it before the king's hungry eyes, and forced him to take the worthless mocking fragments. Even so flint-faced fate shattered my happiness, and tauntingly offers me the ruins; but I will none of it!" "Trust God's overruling mercy, and those fragments, fused in the furnace of affliction, may be remoulded and restored to you in pristine perfection." "Impossible!

Later I wait thy pleasure, Signor Rizzo; on the ramparts, or where thou wilt. This is no lightsome night for a woman a mere girl." "'A woman' 'a mere girl'!" the Chief of Council began tauntingly. Cornaro's hand was upon his sword. "Scusi!" Rizzo said, suavely, being not yet ready for the break. "I meant no disrespect but she is young to rule.

He meant to take the train, of course, but his resourceful capriciousness had supplied him with a less awkward exit from the garden than she had provided. He would yet have the last word if she did not watch out a last mischievous word at her expense. "First, you will have to plow the ground, in the broiling hot sun," she said tauntingly, when they had passed around to the porch.

As she read, the dour face of Rufus brightened, and he rubbed his hands in satisfaction at the close. "By the Lord, an honest thought," he chuckled. "Swing Randolph, swing rat-face." Evander smiled disdainfully. "I am no spy," he asserted, firmly, "and by the laws of war you have no right to my life." Brilliana turned on him tauntingly.

It will be seen then that Aeschylus is most true to nature, when in his Prometheus Bound he makes Strength tauntingly to remind Prometheus, or The Prudent, how ill his name and the lot which he has made for himself agreed, bound as he is with adamantine chains to his rock, and bound, as it might seem, for ever.

"The time must come when the power of this level will be blasted forever. The owner of the tree will burn the worms and their nests from every branch." Then said Blackana tauntingly: "Neither flood, poison, fire, nor knife can ever destroy this section."

But McTaggart had spoiled them her carefully made plans! And yet, as she pointed, the factor from Lac Bain looked for an instant over the edge of the chasm. And then she laughed laughed as she gave him a sudden shove from behind. "And that is my answer, M'sieu le Facteur from Lac Bain!" she cried tauntingly as he plunged headlong into the deep pool between the rock walls.

Tristram watched his opportunity, seized the lady's horse by the bridle, and plunged with her into the forest, tauntingly informing his rival that "what he had got by the harp he had lost by the rote."