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That ball grazed her tail, but she is too old a soldier to wince at trifles. Hullo, friend, where is your horse? 'At the bottom of the ditch, said Sir Gervas, scraping the mud off his dress with his sword-blade. ''Tis now half-past two, he continued, 'and we have been at this child's-play for an hour and more. With a line regiment, too! It is not what I had looked forward to!

Something immense and suffocating had closed about her heart. Her racing pulses had ceased to beat. A figure familiar to her a man's figure, unimposing in height, unremarkable in build, but straight, straight as his own sword-blade had bounded from the car and scaled the intervening gate with monkey-like agility.

Some take refuge in the fair-ground, some hurry into the cornfield, but the greater part run along the edge of the wood, swarm over the fence into the road, and hasten to the village. The Guardsmen follow. Zagonyi leads them. Over the loudest roar of battle rings his clarion voice, "Come on, Old Kentuck! I'm with you!" And the flash of his sword-blade tells his men where to go.

"Kinswoman," said Harold, with a slight curl of his lip, "by me at least have thy prophecies ever passed as the sough of the air; neither in horror nor with faith do I think of thy incantations and charms; and I smile alike at the exorcism of the shaveling and the spells of the Saga. I have asked thee not to bless mine axe, nor weave my sail. No runic rhyme is on the sword-blade of Harold.

To symbolise them, they were as a sword-blade lying beside book.

Carruthers sharp and subtle, and fine as a sword-blade; Lord Robert downright and simple, with an air of a puzzled baby. When I thought they were both wanting me very much to stay, I got up and said good-night.

It was striking fiercely but rather ineffectually, because of its constrained position, at his boot, while its tail part was coiled tightly about his boot leg. A quick and lucky stroke of his sharp sword-blade whipped off the cruel head, and then, stooping down, George saw that his boot had been several times partially punctured by the long poison fangs.

I know not how I reached her, pulling the broken sword-blade from my shoulder as I ran; nor can I tell you how an upgushing spring of thankfulness choked me when I found her unharmed by the bullet which had snuffed the candle out.

And he pointing to the stiff dead bodies floating in the water, and wiping his sword-blade carefully, cried back "So die all pirates, and enemies of the duke in the Norman Seas!" The story of the relief of Vale Castle.

At this the Lady Belle Isoult was filled with a sort of fear, wherefore she said, "Lady, what ails you?" The Queen said, "Nothing that matters," and therewith she laid aside the sword of Sir Tristram and went very quickly to her own chamber. There she opened her cabinet and took thence the piece of sword-blade which she had drawn from the wound of Sir Marhaus, and which she had kept ever since.