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Rather a dull valley lay below, backed by the slope of the coastward downs. They were looking across the Isle of Purbeck and on to Swanage, soon to be the most important town of all, and ugliest of the three. Margaret's train reappeared as promised, and was greeted with approval by her aunt.

'Such numbers of people one would wish to know! Who are those ladies holding a Court, where Mr. Radnor is? 'Lady Carmine, Lady Swanage if it is your wish? interposed the colonel. She dealt him a forgiving smile. 'And that pleasant-looking old gentleman? Colonel Corfe drew-up. Fenellan said: 'Are we veterans at forty or so? 'Well, it 's the romance, perhaps! She raised her shoulders.

It would be like tempting Providence to polish off dust or mud, in such circumstances, wouldn't it? My face was a different matter, though, and I longed to polish it. Before we got to Swanage, it felt even under chiffon just as an iced cake must feel. Only the cake, fortunately for its contour, never needs to smile. We were going to Swanage because of the caves Tilly Whim Caves.

An acquaintance had become a lover, might become a husband, but would retain all that she had noted in the acquaintance; and love must confirm an old relation rather than reveal a new one. In this spirit she promised to marry him. He was in Swanage on the morrow bearing the engagement ring. They greeted one another with a hearty cordiality that impressed Aunt Juley.

"It's about half a mile to the top of the cliff, and a precious long climb down to the water; but going round by Swanage which is about three miles you can drive down close to the sea, for there are no cliffs there." There was little more said during the drive.

On one side of him is Lady Carmine; on the other, Lady Swanage; dames embedded in the blooming maturity of England's conservatory. Thus gently does a maternal Old England let them down. Victor passed among them, chatting right and left. Lady Carmine asked him: 'Is Durandarte counted on? He answered: 'I made sure of the Luciani. She serenely understood.

At Southampton she "waved" to Frieda: Frieda was on her way down to join them at Swanage, and Mrs. Munt had calculated that their trains would cross. But Frieda was looking the other way, and Margaret travelled on to town feeling solitary and old-maidish. How like an old maid to fancy that Mr. Wilcox was courting her!

So far so good, but in social matters their aunt had accomplished nothing. Sooner or later the girls would enter on the process known as throwing themselves away, and if they had delayed hitherto, it was only that they might throw themselves more vehemently in the future. It was interesting, and down at Swanage no one appreciated culture more than Mrs.

The coast road round the bay is taken to a path bearing to the right in the pleasant suburb of New Swanage. At the time of writing this leads through the before-mentioned, partly derelict, military camp and, after passing on the right the old Tudor farmhouse called Whitecliff, emerges on the open Down.

Possibly this is the same individual who keeps the tangle of blackberry and tamarisk pruned down so that while resting with "Sir Walter Scott" or "Shakespeare" we may duly admire the view across Swanage Bay. No one should omit the glorious walk northwards across the fine expanse of Ballard Down to Studland.