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Small blame to her. He excused her to Lady Carmine, Lady Swanage, Lady Blachington, Mrs. Fanning, Sir Abraham Quatley, Mr. It was her sunshine departed. But she went through her task of conversing amiably.

"Look!" cried Aunt Juley, hurrying away from generalities over the narrow summit of the down. "Stand where I stand, and you will see the pony-cart coming. I see the pony-cart coming." They stood and saw the pony-cart coming. Margaret and Tibby were presently seen coming in it. Leaving the outskirts of Swanage, it drove for a little through the budding lanes, and then began the ascent.

Oh yes, or Ilfracombe and Swanage and Tunbridge Wells and Surbiton and Bedford. There on no account." "London, then." "I agree, but Helen rather wants to get away from London. However, there's no reason we shouldn't have a house in the country and also a flat in town, provided we all stick together and contribute.

How many towns on the coast claim their particular semicircle of bay to be "the English Naples"? Douglas, Sandown and even Swanage have at some time or other, through their local guides, plumed themselves on the supposed resemblance. It is as inapplicable to these as it is to Weymouth, though the latter seems to insist upon it more than the rest.

Barely eight miles from Bournemouth as the crow flies, it is twenty-four miles by rail and about the same by road. So that during the five years of war, when the steamer service was suspended, Swanage had no day trippers and the quietness of the town was accentuated, and the camp on the southern slopes of Ballard Down did not interfere to any great extent with this somnolence.

It is true, that the whole country is changeing, decomposing! The colonel fished for Lady Carmine's view. And Lady Swanage too? Both of the distinguished ladies approved of Mr. Radnor's leading for a leading off. Women are pleased to see their favourite in the place of prominence as long as Fortune swims him unbuffeted, or one should say, unbattered, up the mounting wave.

Probably the thickness of the whole Wealden series, as seen in Swanage Bay, can not be estimated as less than 2000 feet. The flora of the Wealden is characterised by a great abundance of Coniferae, Cycadeae, anD Ferns, and by the absence of leaves and fruits of Dicotyledonous Angiosperms.

How many villages appear in this view! How many castles! How many churches, vanished or triumphant! How many ships, railways, and roads! What incredible variety of men working beneath that lucent sky to what final end! The reason fails, like a wave on the Swanage beach; the imagination swells, spreads, and deepens, until it becomes geographic and encircles England.

Now I am punished, as the wicked always are, punished over and over again. Why did I do it? Why? Why?" Here a look of terror came into her eyes; these looked helplessly about the room, as if nothing could save her from the torment that pursued her. "He is ill; very ill. His doctor told me. How long do you think he will live?" "Pritchett?" asked Devitt. "Yes, when he came down to Swanage.

After Mavis had been a few days at Mrs Budd's, she was sufficiently recovered to walk about Swanage.