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As the lark rose through the brightening air to greet the coming day, a woman in the tunic and cowl of a nun opened what was left of the wicket-gate in the one unbattered wall.

It is true, that the whole country is changeing, decomposing! The colonel fished for Lady Carmine's view. And Lady Swanage too? Both of the distinguished ladies approved of Mr. Radnor's leading for a leading off. Women are pleased to see their favourite in the place of prominence as long as Fortune swims him unbuffeted, or one should say, unbattered, up the mounting wave.

At the intersection of two streets they were held up for a time; the scattered drift of people became congested. Gliding slowly across the mass came an electric tram, an entirely unbattered tram with even its glass undamaged, and then another and another. Strikers, with the happy expression of men who have found something expressive to do, were escorting the trams off the street.

It is true, that the whole country is changeing, decomposing! The colonel fished for Lady Carmine's view. And Lady Swanage too? Both of the distinguished ladies approved of Mr. Radnor's leading for a leading off. Women are pleased to see their favourite in the place of prominence as long as Fortune swims him unbuffeted, or one should say, unbattered, up the mounting wave.