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He stood for some time looking after his son as he rowed sturdily away, and then went up to the look-out, where he began to walk up and down with his hands behind his back in his usual manner. His restlessness of mind, however, soon drove him back again to the house, where he remained alone nearly the whole day.

They will see that I am in French uniform, and will regard me as an enemy just as if I were French." "I will not let them hurt you," she said sturdily. "They are serfs, and when I tell them who I am they will obey me, for if they don't I will tell them that my father will have them all flogged to death." "Don't do that, dear.

They would have gotten away sure only Giant yelled that he would fire a pistol at them if they didn't stop and then they, got scared and dropped the clothing in a ditch." "And who do you think they were?" asked Snap. "Ham Spink and Carl Dudder." "Why, they aren't home from boarding school yet!" cried Shep. "I don't care, that's what I think," said Giant, sturdily.

I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.

The expression on the boy's face, and the very set of his little back as he sturdily tugged at his burden, recalled his father, and with it the General recognized the obstinacy which he knew lurked in the Hampden blood, which had once been his pride. "Oliver," he said, gravely, leaning down over the boy and putting his hand on him gently, "there has been a great mistake.

He then held a consultation with Mary and Janet, and arranged with them how they might best prepare the house for defence, should the blacks attack it. They all knew that there was not much real danger provided that they were not taken by surprise, as the natives, unaccustomed to the use of fire-arms, were sure to run away if sturdily withstood.

I can see the little girl now as we splashed sturdily down Cliff Street through the wet gloom, her face like a white blossom in the shadowy twilight, her crimson jacket open at the throat, and the soft little worsted scarf about her damp fluffy curls making a glow of rich coloring in the dim light.

He was like Jacob, wrestling all night long with an unknown angel, saying sturdily: "I will not let thee go except thou tell me thy name!" Like Jacob, he paid the price of going halt for his knowledge. I like to think that Hunter understood the enormous value of the naturalist's work.

"He hain't no right to 'em, I don't believe." "I thought you said they were in Mr. Lamb's field?" "So they be." "Then they are his nuts. You would not like anybody to take them, if they belonged to you." "It don't make no odds," said Hephzibah, sturdily, but looking down at the same time. "He'll get it out of us some other way." "Get it out of you?" said Daisy. "Yes." "What do you mean?"

So, too, with the immemorial yew-tree: you see its great roots grasping hold of the earth like gigantic claws, clinging so sturdily that no effort of time can wrench them away; and there being life in the old tree, you feel all the more as if a contemporary witness were telling you of the things that have been.