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"Zey haven't any strengt' at all out of ze water," the boatman said, "but while swimming zey have a good deal. See, ze whole body of zat squid isn't more zan two feet long, an' yet if he'd got a hold of you in ze water, specially with ze bigger suckers on ze t'ick part of ze arms, you might have had some trouble.

"See here, I'll tell you what to write. You begin, 'Dear fadder or Dearest fadder I's not quite sure ob de strengt' ob your affection. P'raps de safest way ." "Oh! get on, Moses. Never mind that." "Ho! it's all bery well for you to say dat, but de ole gen'leman'll mind it.

There shall be no useless risk of life." Mara lifted her dark eyes to his face. Even at that moment he knew he should never forget their expression. "My friend," she said in low, agonized tones, "he may be dying, he may be dead. I cannot, will not leave him." "No, he ain't dead," said Aun' Sheba, with her hand over Clancy's heart, "but seems purty nigh it. Him jes gone beyon his strengt.

How vill humanity bless us if we can raise, out of t'e slums and squalor, out of t'e crooked and blind and degraded, out of t'e hospitals and prisons, t'e spawning dregs of humanity and make t'em perfect! T'ey shall valk t'e eart' like gods, rejoicing in t'eir strengt'. No more failures, no more abnormalities.

It is headed "Declaration of Futurism" in enormous letters; it is divided off with little numbers; and it starts straight away like this: "1. We intend to glorify the love of danger, the custom of energy, the strengt of daring. 2. The essential elements of our poetry will be courage, audacity, and revolt. 3.

"It is fery goot sea anemone; fery strong, fery perfect; a goot organism." He bent over the jar, rubbing his hands. His parchment face crackled with an almost tender complacency. For a full minute he seemed to gloat over the flower-like animal. "Very pretty," I said, carelessly. "Fery pretty, you call it? T'e prettiness is t'e sign of t'e gootness, t'e strengt', t'e perfection. You know t'at?"

McGuire was not like that, and yet In another instant the cattleman was holding him by the hand and shoulder. "Son, son, how goes it?" was all he found to say. "Close to the ground, says you," shouted McGuire, crunching Raidler's fingers in a grip of steel; "and dat's where I found it healt' and strengt', and tumbled to what a cheap skate I been actin'. T'anks fer kickin' me out, old man.

"See here, I'll tell you what to write. You begin, `Dear fadder or Dearest fadder' I's not quite sure ob de strengt' ob your affection. P'raps de safest way." "Oh! get on, Moses. Never mind that." "Ho! it's all bery well for you to say dat, but de ole gen'leman'll mind it.

"Now see yere, honey, I'se got my blin' side, I know, but it ain't toward you. I watch ober you too many yeahs not to know wen you po'ly. You'se gwine beyon' you strengt, too. Why can't you get some one ter he'p you an' den we go along swimmin'?" "Well, I'll see. I reckon I'll be better soon, and I don't care to do more than can be done in a quiet way."

It seems to me that even through the slumber which fills the Siege of Troy, the Song of Roland, and the Orlando Furioso, and in spite of the thoughtful immobility which marks "Pantagruel," "Henry V," and the Ballad of Chevy Chase, there are occasional gleams of an admiration for courage, a readiness to glorify the love of danger, and even the "strengt of daring," I seem to remember, slightly differently spelt, somewhere in literature.