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Updated: August 20, 2024

Above this watch-tower, which might have been taken bodily from the stage-setting for a melodrama, floated Old Glory against the sunset sky; Moro fishing-boats, the breeze in their crimson sails, dotted the flushed bay; and to the north and east small, detached islands, tinged with a translucent purple like the skin of a grape, faded into the horizon.

At a period when it was the fashion to sigh and be pale and melancholy, in a stage-setting of lakes, clouds and cathedrals, and when one was expected to be abnormal and mediaeval, Balzac displayed a robust joviality, he was proud of his stalwart build and ruddy complexion, and, far from looking to the past for literary material, his observing and clairvoyant eyes eagerly seized the men of his own time and transformed them into heroes.

She felt as much caged as they: as much a part of a conventional stage-setting totally unrelated to the action going on before it. Two weeks had passed since her return from Philadelphia; and during that time she had learned that her usefulness at Lynbrook was over.

It seemed to Thyrsis, as he listened, that the great man must have arranged this luncheon as a stage-setting for his remarks planning it on purpose to light a blaze of bitterness in the soul of the hungry poet. "Look at me," he seemed to say "this is the way the job is done. Once I was poor and unknown like you actually, though you might not credit it, a raw boy from the country.

"The first act passed off without mishap save for some unnecessary questions from Minna. But at the beginning of the second act, when he had described the stage-setting 'to the right the cobbler shop of Hans Sachs; to the left, etc., Minna exclaimed: "'And here sits the audience! at the same time letting a bread-ball roll over Wagner's manuscript. That ended the reading."

If papers are to be burned, they introduce a fireplace; if somebody is to throw a pistol through a window, they set the window in a convenient and emphatic place; they determine how many chairs and tables and settees are demanded for the narrative; if a piano or a bed is needed, they place it here or there upon the floor-plan of their stage, according to the prominence they wish to give it; and when all such points as these have been determined, they draw a detailed map of the stage-setting for the act.

"If my whole future were to be arranged for me to-morrow, I should want to die the day after. A whole play" Preciosa was a most persevering little theatre-goer "carried through with one stage-setting how tiresome that would be!" "Come, now," said Little O'Grady; "help the lame duck over the stile. Be a good Gowan give the poor fellow the use of your studio.

"If I was to ride to hounds," returned her husband, "the only thing I'd break would be my neck." The country-place of the Keeps was completely satisfactory, and for the purposes of their social comedy the stage-setting was perfect.

The tragic fate of John, the Baptist; the unholy, unnatural passion of a depraved soul for the dead lips of a man who had spurned her while he lived; the exquisite music of Strauss; the superb scenery and stage-setting; the rich and gorgeous costumes all remained unseen and unheard by these two, one intent upon reëstablishing himself in the esteem of Patricia Langdon, the other disturbed by emotions she could not have named, which she would have declined to recognize, even had they presented themselves frankly to her.

Moreover, we have already shown that the vast extent of the ancient stage enabled it to include a whole locality, so that the poet could, according to the exigencies of the plot, transport it at his pleasure from one part of the stage to another, which is practically equivalent to a change of stage-setting.

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