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So he came to relate all those intimacies of The Job; and he was overwhelmed at the ease with which she "got onto old Goglefogle." His preparations for writing the play were elaborate. He paced Tom's room till twelve-thirty, consulting as to whether he had to plan the stage-setting; smoking cigarettes in attitudes on chair arms.

As they had played fairyland in the theatre in the Square des-Arts-et-Métiers, he had at hand all the needed material to give me a luxurious stage-setting without great expense. Mlle. Caroline Salla was given the part of Hélène. With her beauty and magnificent voice she was certainly remarkable.

But I have always the sense of having a part in amateur theatricals, and I do not see how the Americans can fail to have the same sense, for there is nothing spontaneous in them, and nothing that has grown even dramatically out of their own life. Often when I admire the perfection of the stage-setting, it is with a vague feeling that I am derelict in not offering it an explicit applause.

The relation of the individual soul to the world-powers and the way in which a future state of happiness could be reached occupied its attention in the first instance; and the theology which it developed represented the stage-setting for this personal drama.

"They are absurd. But do not let the Canon hear you. To be sure, all this does not look very religious, but it is magnificent." "Yes, it is a beautiful stage-setting, but there is no performance," said Caesar. "What do you mean by that?" asked Don Calixto. "That this is an empty place.

The woods still made a pompous show of leaves, but I knew it to be a hollow sham, a mask of foliage soon to be stripped off by equinoctial fury, a precarious stage-setting, ready to be blown down at the first gusts from the north.