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Infusions made from the fresh flowers are gently laxative and aperient; when dry, they are said to promote chiefly the cuticular excretion, and to be particularly serviceable in erysipetalous and eruptive disorders. Woodville's Med. Bot. 598. SCILLA maritima. SQUILL. Root. L. E. D. This root is to the taste very nauseous, intensely bitter and acrimonious; much handled, it exulcerates the skin.

"Sure an' I'm ready to fight," interposed Squill, "or to follow ye to the end o' the world, an' further; but if I do I'll have to leave my legs behind me, for they're fit for nothin'. True it is, I feel a little stronger since your friend Hendrick got the bastes to increase our allowance o' grub, but I'm not up to much yet. Howsiver, I'm strong enough p'r'aps to die fightin'. Anyhow, I'll try."

"There can be no doubt of it," said Hendrick. "Then, my lads, I'll soon bid ye all farewell, for as I was your leader when the so-called murder was done, I'm bound in honour to take the consequences." "Not at all," cried Squill, whose susceptible heart was touched with this readiness to self-sacrifice. "You can't be spared yet, Grummidge; if any man shud die it's the Irishman.

In the fables of antiquity we read, that, after the death of Adonis, Venus, to console herself, and repress her desires, lay down upon a bed of lettuces. The sea onion, or squill, was administered by the Egyptians, in cases of dropsy, under the mystic title of the eye of Typhon.

Pericles in other respects was perfectly formed physically, only his head was somewhat longish and out of proportion. For which reason almost all the images and statues that were made of him have the head covered with a helmet, the workmen not apparently being willing to expose him. The poets of Athens called him "Schinocephalos," or squill-head, from "schinos," a squill, or sea-onion.

"Cut cudgels for ourselves, then take to the boat creep round to one o' the little islands in the bay, and go at 'em!" answered Blazer. This plan was carried out with as little delay as possible. An islet was boarded, as Squill said, and the clumsy, astonished creatures lost numbers of their companions before making their escape into the sea.

II. The following cases are related with design to ascertain the particular kinds of dropsy in which the digitalis purpurea, or common foxglove, is preferable to squill, or other evacuants, and were first published in 1780, in a pamphlet entitled Experiments on mucilaginous and purulent Matter, &c. Cadell. London. Other cases of dropsy, treated with digitalis, were afterwards published by Dr.

Very likely we've bin too wicked intirely to deserve an answer at all." "Speak for yourself Squill," growled a voice that was evidently that of Little Stubbs. "I don't think I've been as wicked as you would make out, nor half as wicked as yourself! Anyhow, I'm goin' to die game, if it comes to that. We can only die once, an' it'll soon be over."

"The Grummidges has won!" cried Squill, amid hearty laughter. The ruler himself made no remark whatever, but, seating himself in a corner of the hut, resumed the game which had been interrupted, quite assured that the game of insubordination was finally finished.

Now at the same time, other branches of the lymphatic system, viz. those which open on the cellular membrane, are brought into more energetic action, by the sympathy above mentioned, and an increase of their absorption is produced. Hence repeated vomits, and cupreous salts, and small doses of squill or foxglove, are so efficacious in this disease.