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"My lord and lady have for breakfast, at seven o'clock, a quart of beer, as much wine, two pieces of salt fish, six red herring, four white ones, and a dish of sprats." Digestive resources which could, entertain this bill of fare might safely be trusted to travel in America.

"Oh, 'tis my delight of a Friday night, When sprats they isn't dear, To fry a couple o' dozen or so Upon a fire clear." There are many verses of this ditty, all ending with the chorus: "Oh, 'tis my delight of a Friday night!" and Johnny varied the facts ingeniously, and shouted "bacon," or anything else that would fry, well pleased at his own ingenuity.

Britling, ashamed of making a profit out of his country, supplied not only generous firing and lighting, but unlimited cigarettes, cards and games, illustrated newspapers, a cocoa supper with such little surprises as sprats and jam roly-poly, and a number of more incidental comforts. The men arrived fasting under the command of two very sage middle-aged corporals, and responded to Mrs.

"If you could assist me to obtain any work by which I might live, you would be putting me under a deep debt of gratitude," she wrote. Before she slept that night all six letters were in the post. She wished them good luck one by one as she dropped them into the letter-box, the six sprats that had been flung into the sea of fortune. Would one of them catch for her a mackerel? She wondered.

This stirs up the small living things, which are at once swallowed by the Pipe-fish. We have already seen how the male Pipe-fish carries his eggs in his "pocket." Another curious thing is his suit of armour. Instead of scales, he has hard plates all over his body. Very often you may see young Pipe-fish among Sprats and "Whitebait" in the fishmonger's shop.

And besides, she is engaged to marry somebody else. 'Ah, you mean the Prince of Sprats, remarked the ex-King. 'But that match is broken off. Since you are on the throne he is in opposition, and can only be considered a pretender; but Silvia is a princess of the blood, cousin-german of the dynasty, and Columbine into the bargain; so she can marry nobody but you.

There is that gentleman, your particular friend, you know, the member of Parliament. He is down there constantly, paying his respects, as he calls it." "What, Mr. Harcourt?" "Yes, Mr. Harcourt. And he sends grapes in spring, and turkeys in summer, and green peas in winter." "Green peas in winter! they must cost something." "Of course they do; sprats to catch big fish with, Mr. George.

'That fellow who owns the donkey the Prince of Sprats? cried Yellow-cap. 'He the son of King Ormund? 'Prince Assimund yes. I spoke to you of him yesterday. A little queer in the head, you know, but that is only a sign of his royalty. 'All this may be so, replied Yellow-cap, stroking his chin; 'but as to my marrying Silvia that seems rather sudden.

I saw in the Crawford market this afternoon fresh fish, and dried and unfresh, and the vendors thereof. There were many kinds of so-called fresh fish, but the most were dried, to mere skin and bone, sharks and sprats, piled in baskets or hanging in bundles.

His work was now pretty well completed, and as it was just dinner time, we went to the banquet hall. Hermes received me, and gave me my place next to a group of Gods whose alien origin left them in a rather doubtful position Pan, the Corybants, Attis, and Sabazius. I was supplied with bread by Demeter, wine by Dionysus, meat by Heracles, myrtle-blossoms by Aphrodite, and sprats by Posidon.