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"I called de odders, an' de capten come up an' looked at dem a minute sorrowful-like, an' den said, 'Poor fellows! dey've been carried off'n de ice, an' starved till dey froze to death; an' he tould us to bury dem daycently, an' we closed dem up in a pinnacle.

"'Wal, I got three-fifty saved up, you know what fer, an' I can raise the rest an' put a new pianner in the place o' that one, says he. "He looks at the wreck, an' fer the first time I sees his eyes is jest a little damp. "They didn't either of 'em seem to take any notice o' me, an' I didn't feel that I counted, nohow. "'An' we cain't git married, says Jud, sorrowful-like, 'fer ever so long.

There are no cherry trees." "Yes, there is one over there," said the duck-drake, and he waved one foot toward it, while he quacked real faint and sorrowful-like. "Sure enough, that is a cherry tree," said Uncle Wiggily, as he hopped over and looked at it. "And the cherries are ripe, too. Now, if I could only get some of them down I could make a cherry pie, and cure Grandfather Goosey Gander."

"What do you mean, Jane?" asked Florence, startled. "There was a poor young woman called here last month and inquired for Mr. Curtis. She was very sorrowful-like, and poorly dressed. He came up when she was at the door, and he spoke harshlike, and told her to walk away with him.

So he took hold, with Buddy and Brighteyes, and he buzzed his wings as hard as they would buzz, and he cracked his legs, and he strained and he tugged and pulled, but, no sir, that turnip wouldn't move the least bit. "I guess we'll have to leave it here," said Buddy sorrowful-like, "but I did so want to take it home to mamma and papa."

"Stick up your tail like a sail and the wind will blow you ashore!" they cried to Buddy. "That's what we did." "I haven't any tail," answered Buddy, real sorrowful-like. "That's so," said the little squirrel boys, and it began to look pretty bad for poor Buddy, let me tell you. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" cried Mamma Pigg. "I'll never see my poor boy again," for he was quite far off by this time.

Folks put it down to laziness, but they misjudged him, as come out later, yet he never let on. He just went around sorrowful-like, and when there was a piece of work fo' him to do he'd spend a heap of time studyin' it, or mebby he'd just set and look at it until he was ready fo' to give it up. Appeared like he couldn't bring himself down to toil.

"You wouldn't believe if I was to tell you." ses Charlie, getting up to go, "and besides, I don't want any of you to think as 'ow I am worse than wot I am." He shook his 'cad at them sorrowful-like, and afore they could stop 'im he 'ad gone. Old Cook shouted arter 'im, but it was no use, and the others was running into the scullery to fill the bowl agin for Emma. Mrs.