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In the last act she appears at a ball at a country house in sophisticated raiment, and the story ends in the key of mirth in which it began. It was a delightful blending and modernization of Diana, Atalanta, Cinderella, and Rosalind; but even in the typewritten page it was amazingly alive and well calculated to evoke tears and laughter.

But when she had dried her eyes, she said, with a pathetic childish air 'I I've been seeing Geoffrey. 'Is this the effect "seeing Geoffrey" has? said the other, with an attempt at lightness. 'You see, I know now, Jean explained, with the brave directness that was characteristic. The more sophisticated woman presented an aspect totally unenlightened.

Wallingham appeared to think that by teaching and explaining he could help his fellow-islanders to see further than the length of their fists, and exorcise from them the spirit, only a century and a quarter older and a trifle more sophisticated, that lost them the American colonies. But so far little had transpired to show that Wallingham was stronger than nature and destiny.

For awhile they were as singleminded as the boys, content to live and breathe that wine-tinctured air, and watch out those flawless days and serene grey nights. London had sophisticated some of them almost beyond redemption: Francis Lingen was less man than sensitive gelatine; James was the offspring of a tradition and a looking-glass.

Among those who pursue these sophisticated pleasures, they reckon such as I mentioned before, who think themselves really the better for having fine clothes; in which they think they are doubly mistaken, both in the opinion that they have of their clothes, and in that they have of themselves; for if you consider the use of clothes, why should a fine thread be thought better than a coarse one?

Rougeant was perfectly right in keeping away from people, who had nothing to do when they came out of church but to backbite their neighbours. In future, she too would shun these sophisticated people. And puffing and blowing; gesticulating and perspiring; soliloquizing and threatening, she retook possession of her home, sweet home. "Good-morning, Mr.

"And the influence is the last thing a painter thinks of or supposes he thinks of. What he knows he's anxious about is the drawing and the color. But people will never understand how simple artists are. When I reflect what a complex and sophisticated being I am, I'm afraid I can never come to anything in art. Or I should be if I hadn't genius." "Do you think Mr. Beaton is very simple?" asked Mrs.

No one ever doubted the simple-hearted Welshman's honesty, any more than his valour; but he confided in the candour of others who were somewhat more sophisticated than himself. When he warned her, royal Majesty against the peace-makers, it was impossible for him to know that the great peace-maker was Elizabeth herself. After the expiration of a month the work had become most fatiguing.

He had moved about with such celerity since entering his flat on the rue Roget that it was even now only two o'clock; an hour at which revelry might be expected to have reached its apogee in this, the soi-disant "smartest" place in Paris. A less sophisticated adventurer might have been flattered by the cordiality of his reception at the hands of that arbiter elegantiarum the maitre-d'hotel.

And here was a miller, his hands dusty with meal, and every atom of it stolen; and there was a vintner, his green apron stained with wine, and every drop of it sophisticated; but neither was the old gentleman I looked for to be detected among these artisans of iniquity.