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'I am very sorry! she says in a voice that matched the evening, it was so quiet and soft; 'but it was exceedingly stupid of you to come behind like that. 'I didn't think you threw such a long line; I thought I was safe, I stammered. 'Hold this! she says, giving me a diminutive fly-book, out of which she has taken a scissors. I obey meekly. She snips the gut. 'Have you a sharp knife?

Ferrars feared that the winter cares had so far told on her temper, that perplexity made her wilful in self-sacrifice. There was a pause, but just as she began to perceive she had said something wrong, the lesser Maurice burst out in exultation, 'There, it is not indestructible! 'What mischief have you been about? The question was needless, for the table was strewn with snips of calico.

You may, if you like, be a thread-waxer or a needle-threader; you may be one of the thirty men it takes to make a buttonhole, but a complete tailor alas! it is impossible. Who will save us from this remorseless law of eternal subdivision? To make one complete man out of all this vast collection of snips and snippets of humanity.

Cowperwood gazed at her solemnly, for this thrust in regard to Stephanie was a revelation. This woman business could grow peculiarly exasperating at times. "What do you mean, anyhow?" he observed, cautiously and with much seeming candor. "I haven't given any jade or jewels to any one, nor have I been running around with any 'little snips, as you call them.

"They would make great men small, and think by placing themselves on high pedestals they become great. The clown striding through the crowd on his stilts may even look over an emperor. But fortunately there comes a time when the dear clown must come down from his stilts, and then it is clear to others, if not to himself, what little, earth-born snips the men of yesterday are."

And such silly snips as they were Stephanie Platow! and Cecily Haguenin! and Florence Cochrane, in all likelihood another pasty-faced beginner!

Well, you won't be you when you're the Boy, so prob'ly it won't matter." On the sixth day the last thing she cut her hair off. She did it with her eyes shut to give herself courage, but the snips of the shears broke her heart. The Little Girl had always loved her soft, shining hair. It had been like a beautiful thing apart from her, that she could caress and pet.

While the consul was sent against Perseus, the management of the naval war against the Illyrians was committed to the praetor: as he was well aware of the maritime force of his opponent, he acted with great caution; his first success, in capturing some of their snips, induced him to land all his forces in Illyria, where, after an obstinate battle, he compelled the king to surrender at discretion.

Not only for the moment, but as a permanency, something seems to kill their perception of a fact which is patent to every educated man in the room; and one never knows what it is. One can only surmise that it is that thirst for admiration which does more harm in the world than the thirst for alcoholic stimulant which we fight with societies and guilds, oaths and little snips of ribbon.

I shall listen! He compelled himself to quietude. The Doctor saw, and realised that he was master of himself. There were some snips of scissors, and he was free. 'See! all I want is calm for a short time, and you have it. May I go on? 'Go on! said Harold, not without respect.