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Updated: July 31, 2024

The Di down there is the Diaphanous, too. Some pioneer poet named it for its shimmer, but what good did it do? Missouri promptly called it the 'Di. No more good is it to name a child Salome in the backwoods of Missouri. She's bound to grow up Sally. I've always been Sally, except at school. I'll always be Sally down here with my own people."

They went forward toward the common centre, with a slow ruminative movement, and the dust they raised went with them. Little by little they grew plainer to us, and the home ranch, hitherto merely a brown shimmer in the distance, began to take on definition as the group of buildings, windmills, and corrals we knew.

The walls bristled with armed men, the sun glistening on their polished breastplates like the shimmer of summer lightning. The Archbishop turned toward the gate again, as though the sight he beheld brought small comfort to him. "What is your desire?" he said with less of truculence in his tone than there had been at the beginning.

And suddenly as by the wave of an enchanter's wand from every head and from every face, slipped off the delicate covering of skin, and instantaneously exposed the deadly whiteness of skulls, with here and there the leaden shimmer of bare jaws and gums.

'No! I exclaimed loudly, 'not that! Away with it! No majestic Deity! Leave us the fine soft shimmer. 'You are right, said Liszt. 'I said so too; it was the Princess who persuaded me differently. But it shall be as you wish.

"You spoke of gratitude, Maurice. I know who has the most reason to be grateful and who will try the hardest to show it." So that betrothal was completed; and when they passed out from the coppice into the whiter air, behold! the wild March skies had parted somewhat, and there was a shimmer of silver sunlight along the broad highway between the hedges.

This road curved down the side of a well-wooded hill, and then over the level for a quarter of a mile or so before opening on the other. Just at the brow of the rising ground there stood a thick bristle of trees, amid the trunks of which there came and went a bright shimmer of sparkling steel, which proclaimed the presence of armed men.

He fastened the outer shed door with a bit of rope in order that it might not blow entirely open, and yet allow his feline friends to pass, should they choose. Then he went out. The day was clear, with a sharp breath of frost. The fields gleamed with frost, offering to the eye a fine shimmer as of diamond-dust under the brilliant blue sky, overspread in places with a dapple of little white clouds.

"'Spring is coming, Spring is coming, Flowers are coming too; Pansies, lilies, daffodils, Now are coming through." "'Spring is coming, Spring is coming, All around is fair; Shimmer and quiver on the river Joy is everywhere." As she finished singing Mrs. Hastings curtsied to the happy group, and said: "I wish you a happy May."

Alleyne, from the window of the armory, looked down upon the strange scene the circles of yellow flickering light, the lines of stern and bearded faces, the quick shimmer of arms, and the lean heads of the horses. In front stood the bow-men, ten deep, with a fringe of under-officers, who paced hither and thither marshalling the ranks with curt precept or short rebuke.

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