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They were all three hard-lookin' citizens, an' might ha' been anything from bum cowpunchers to " "Sharps," put in Bill, between noisy sips at his coffee. "Yes." Minky watched a number of flies settle on a greasy patch on the bare table. "Y'see," he went on, after a thoughtful pause, "I don't like strangers who don't seem ready tongued none of us do, since the stage-robbin' set in."

"With all Leslie's money against you, it might be hard to get your injunction if they knew of your plans. But if you wait until they have their men, machinery and materials on the ground, you will have them where they must buy you out at your own terms." "By James!" commented Knowles. "Talk about business sharps!" "I was in Leslie's office for a time," explained Ashton.

Refusal or resistance being out of the question, half a dozen small cannon were solemnly dug up from their concealment and, together with a few Sharps rifles, formally delivered. Half an hour later, turning a deaf ear to all remonstrance, he gave the proprietors until 5 o'clock to remove their families and personal property from the Free-State Hotel.

The piece, in three sharps, opened on the tonic, yet the very first note in the bass was a G-sharp. Composer: "Of course. That makes it right. How could it be correct otherwise?" Another example. In the second bar a note which the editor had taken for an eighth-note was explained by the Composer as being a grace-note.

Men from the States lawyers, doctors, speculators, adventurers, pilgrims, and dead-beats; men from the western side of the Missouri; grisly miners from Colorado; hunters and trappers from Idaho and Wyoming; card sharps from Denver and Fr'isco; pickpockets from St. Joe and bummers from Omaha all are here, each one a part of a strange and on the whole a very undesirable community.

The boys did not care to commit themselves as to that before each other, but they were all mentally locating the ingredients of their prospecting outfits. "Have a drink, Happy, on me," hospitably suggested the proprietor. Peter slowly returned to the bar. "Here's luck to the new claim, Happy," said the proprietor; "and here's hoping the sharps doesn't make all there is on her."

without being stopped, or fretted, or diverted with the abruptnesses and petty obstacles, and discordant flats and sharps of prose, that poetry was invented. It is to common language what springs are to a carriage, or wings to feet.

Perhaps I can be of use to her, so I have fetched my bonnet and am going to set out." "Dear heart, dear heart! But you must have a cup o' tea first, child," said Mrs. Poyser, falling at once from the key of B with five sharps to the frank and genial C. "The kettle's boiling we'll have it ready in a minute; and the young uns 'ull be in and wanting theirs directly.

Among the pupils there was the usual proportion of "sharps, flats, and naturals" otherwise of bright, dull, and mediocre individuals. After the examination of the three classes was complete, there remained the two youths, Walter Middleton and Ishmael Worth, who, far in advance of the other pupils, were not classed with them, and, being but two, could not be called a class of themselves.

Crawford ain't strong for the scientific sharps since a college professor got him to drill a nice straight hole on Round Top plumb halfway to China," drawled Bob with a grin. "I suppose it's a gamble," agreed Sanders. "Worse'n the cattle market, and no livin' man can guess that," said the owner of the D Bar Lazy R dogmatically.