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Updated: August 4, 2024

"I do not mind telling you that I was never angry before in my life, and I'm surprised to find myself enjoying the sensation." Bobby was still more astonished to find himself laying his fist tensely upon his desk. The lurking smile was now gone entirely from Mr. Sharpe's face. "I must admit, Mr.

Fifty of you with your shot-guns are worth two hundred and fifty of them with their Sharpe's rifles." Meanwhile a great cry of wrongs and outrages against the Free State men had filled the whole North, and Congress could not choose, but had to pay attention to it. Ex-Governor Reeder came forward and contested the seat of Mr. Whitfield as Territorial delegate to Congress, alleging that Mr.

Sharpe's mouth; of the sobbing of the low wind; of the flare of lanterns on gaping, green waves; of spots of foam that writhed like nests of white snakes; of noticing the puddles in the bottom of the boat, and of wondering confusedly what they would do with my travelling-dress, at the very moment when I saw I was the first to see it little empty boat; of our hauling alongside of the tossing, silent thing; of a bit of a red scarf that lay coiled in its stern; of our drifting by, and speaking never a word; of our coasting along after that for a mile down the bay, because there was nothing in the world to take us there but the dread of seeing the Doctor's eyes when we should turn.

His sad story may be read in a most powerful sketch in the Quarterly Review, attributed to Mr. Lockhart. See Beckford's Vathek, Hall of Eblis. Lady Stafford says: "We were so lucky as to have Sir W. Scott here for a day, and were glad to see him look well, and though perfectly unaltered by his successes, yet enjoying the satisfaction they must have given him." Sharpe's Letters, vol. ii. p. 379.

The different gun-makers had shooting-matches, at which the excellence of the work of each was put to the severest tests, and by which their reputations were established. The result is a rifle, compared with which, as manufactured by a dozen rifle-makers in the United States, the Minie, the Enfield, the Lancaster, or even the Sharpe's, and more recent breech-loaders, are bungling muskets.

The modest dining-room and drawing-room which suffice with us for men of seven or eight hundred a year would be regarded as very mean accommodation by persons of similar incomes in the States. I found that Hartford was all alive with trade, and that wages were high, because there are there two factories for the manufacture of arms. Colt's pistols come from Hartford, as also do Sharpe's rifles.

To the people who would like to go to Vauxhall in fine weather, second-rate Italian singing and broken down English prima donnas are no inducement, a bad ballet in a booth has no attraction, and an attempt at variety mars the whole affair. Sharpe's Magazine.

To come out into the open and be helped and have things arranged for her and do things like other people? No.... No.... "Miriam always likes to be different" "Society is no boon to those not sociable." Dreadful things... and the girls laughing together about them. What did they really mean? "Society is no boon to those not sociable" on her birthday-page in Ellen Sharpe's birthday-book.

Under the influence of his forcible argument General Sharpe's proposition was lost by a vote of 479 to 276.

That day, all the stock which Frank L. Sharpe had held began to come in for transfer, in small lots of from ten to twenty shares, and inside a week not a certificate stood in Sharpe's name. All the stock held by Williams also came in for transfer. Bobby went immediately to see Sharpe, and, very much concerned, inquired into the meaning of this. Mr. Sharpe was as pleasant as Christmas morning.

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