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These were their posts, but they did sentry-go around the building, and passed so close to Heritage's window that he could have tossed a cigarette on their heads. It occurred to him that he ought to get busy with camouflage. They must be convinced that the Princess was in the place, for he wanted their whole mind to be devoted to the siege.

There won't be no war unless somebody starts somethin'. Hey, there, buddy, would ye smoke a God's-country cigarette if I give ye one?" "Si," grinned the soldier-policeman, all animosity gone. And as the other two men tramped away through the mud they also grinned, looking back at the North and the South American pacing side by side in sentry-go, blowing smoke and conversing like brothers in arms.

His sentry-go extended the length of his two rooms, and each time he came back into his bedroom his glance fell consideringly upon a steamer-trunk of the largest size, at the foot of his bed. The trunk was partially packed as if for departure. And, indeed, it was the question of departure which he was debating.

I was doing sentry-go and I saw him marching across No-man's-land from our trenches to the German trenches the same tall shadowy form, piping weirdly and behind him followed boys in khaki. Rilla, I tell you I saw him it was no fancy no illusion. I heard his music, and then he was gone. But I had seen him and I knew what it meant I knew that I was among those who followed him.

This determined me to take the house in flank, and I diverged and pushed my way between the laurels in search of the speakers. "A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse! Lobelia, how many horses has your father in stable? Red, white, or grey?" "One, Miss Wilhelmina; an' that's old Sentry-go, and father says he'll have to go to the knacker's before another winter."

I went to change the guard, for some of our men were put on sentry-go that night outside the officers' quarters, in spite of our utter weariness. We were smarter than the Kurds, and German officers like smartness. Weary though Ranjoor Singh must have been, he sat late with the German officers, for the most part keeping silence while they talked.

The whole burden of caring for offspring, when first there comes to be need for that care, in the history of organic progress, falls upon the mother. But even amongst the fishes we find that sometimes, as in the case of the stickleback, the father helps the mother to build a sort of nest, and does "sentry-go" outside it to keep off marauders.

He had just breakfasted off his usual brandy-and-soda and dry toast when I came in; and the big cigar did sentry-go across his mouth all the time he talked to me. "Come in, come in, Britten," he cried pompously, when I appeared. "You like your place, I hope you don't find the work too hard?" "That's so sir a very nice sort of place this for a delicate young man like myself."

He had completed two successive nights of "sentry-go" over Scipio's twins, never reaching his blankets until well after sun-up. For some minutes he enjoyed the delicious idleness of a still brain. Then, at last, it stirred to an activity which once again set flowing all the busy thought of his long night's vigil.

How could I when I have been so crushed by unending sentry-go, by such an unending roar of rifles and crash of shells, that I merely mechanically wake at the appointed hour, mechanically perform my duty and as mechanically fall asleep again. My ego has been crushed out of me, and I have become, doubtless, quite rightly so, an insignificant atom in a curious thing called a siege.