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But is it not dull for you only to hear of a party? country girls have few enough opportunities of being merry," observed Mr. Crawfurd, with his uneasy consciousness, and his sad habit of self-reproach. "Oh, Mr. Crawford, it would not have done not the first time Joanna had much better stay at home on this occasion. She is too well brought up to complain of a little sacrifice."

The world is simply wasted on any woman under five and thirty." Lucia was not quite five and twenty. She was not very strong, and she felt that if she didn't see the world soon she might not enjoy it very much when she did see it. And it was barely a month now till the twenty-seventh. Rickman cataloguing hard. She felt a little pang of self-reproach at the sight of him.

The boisterous exuberance of youthful spirits still vents itself in rowdy student life to the scandal of bourgeois placidity, and the poignant self-revelation and gnawing self-reproach of a François Villon find their analogue in the pathetic verse of a Paul Verlaine.

There was no affectation of the fine lady in her self-reproach. "Why, the poor gawk's hungry!" she exclaimed! "And I never got the dope on her. Ain't I the simp!" The girl regained a degree of self-control, and showed something of forlorn dignity. "Yes," she said dully, "I'm starving." Mary regarded the afflicted creature with that sympathy born only of experience.

George's, Hanover Square. Are the Countess's thoughts obscure to you? They were, to her. So she refused to entertain them. In the Earl's mind there was an element bred of his short daily visits to the young man, whose disaster had been a constant source of self-reproach to him.

One should never indulge in other people's calumny or self-reproach, for, O chief of the Bharatas, it is said that calumny is sinful, whether of others or of oneself. In wedding, one should avoid a woman that is deficient of any limb. A maiden too, if such, should also be avoided.

How often I thought of your words, that 'you would be proud of my friendship when we met again'! What strength they gave me in my hours of humbled self-reproach!" Her voice here died away as if in the effort to suppress a sob. She released his hand, and, before he could answer, passed quickly through the open sash into the garden.

But this morning, he walked upstairs and appeared so cheerful, so entirely free from any self-reproach for past sins, and so easy in his mind, without the least touch of the old hang-dog look, that Iris began to reproach herself for thinking badly of her cousin.

What! had a spy been watching him perhaps for days and above all a female spy a thing with a velvet paw, a noiseless step, an inscrutable countenance, and a microscopic eye. He hung his head over his cup in silence. Jenny's eye was scanning him. He felt that without seeing it. He was uneasy under it, but his self-reproach was greater than his uneasiness.

The eye of a parent no longer watches over them with approbation or anxiety; and what has a still more powerful influence upon their conduct, they are now beyond the observation of that circle of friends, relations, and acquaintance, to which they had been known from childhood; which had constituted their world, and the censure or approbation of which determined their state of self-reproach or self-satisfaction.