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Updated: August 7, 2024

John, she interested me deeply; and, self-complacent, self- confident fool that I was, I thought I could deal with the supreme question of life as I had dealt with those which half the world never think about at all. I remember your warning, aunt; and yet, as I said to myself at the time, there was more of incentive than warning in your words, flow self-confidently I smiled over them!

What was bright in life was altogether more gloriously bright, and what was dark seemed to touch him more closely; he felt the sorrow of age in the trembling old man at the table across the aisle, the pathos of youth in the two young travelling salesmen who chattered so self-confidently over their meal. Several weeks later young Mrs.

He smiled serenely, self-confidently, and said to himself: "I could look after forty Charleses." He watched his wife and his friend chatting together as equals in The Daily Picture. Yes, Eve was wonderful, and but for sheer hazard he would never have known how wonderful she was capable of being. "You've got a great show here to-night, old man," said a low, mysterious voice at his side. Mr.

But I eyed him with hidden animosity for he had got me to run after him under somewhat false pretences. Mrs. Fyne had only smiled at me very expressively, very self-confidently. "Oh I quite understand that you accept the fullest responsibility," I said. "I am the only ridiculous person in this this I don't know how to call it performance.

"I have been too willing to take everybody's word, I guess; but I have always been able to do that in my crowd, and it is rather a dash to me to find that in business you can not do it. However, I have reformed." He said this so self-confidently that Agnes laughed. "Yes," she admitted, "you are convinced that Silas Trimmer is a thief and a rascal, and you would not take his word for anything.

The youth smiled as one possessing power self-confidently and languidly; a magnificent wreath of flowers rested lightly on his shining tresses, almost touching his velvety eyebrows. A spotted leopard's skin, pinned up with a golden arrow, hung lightly from his curved shoulder to his rounded thigh.

Strength, strength is what one wants, you can get nothing without it, and strength must be won by strength that's what they don't know," he added proudly and self-confidently and he walked with flagging footsteps from the bridge. Pride and self-confidence grew continually stronger in him; he was becoming a different man every moment. What was it had happened to work this revolution in him?

Scarcely one genuine republican was, or is, in the cabinet; the republican party is completely on the wane and perhaps beyond redemption; all this is a logical result, and was easily to be foreseen by any body, only not by the wiseacres of the party, not by the republican papers in New York, as the Times, the Tribune, and the Evening Post, only not by the Sumners, Doolittles, and many of the like leaders, all of whom, when, about a year ago, warned against such a cataclysm, self-confidently smiled; but who soon will cry more bitter tears than did the daughters of Judah over the ruins of Jerusalem.

Gladstone all the millionfold hopes and hungering longings that were involved were as nought in comparison with the fact that the motion of Mr. Gladstone deprived him of the opportunity of raising a debate on Railway Rates. Coldly, calmly, self-confidently, Dr. Hunter attacked the Government in its weakest place, and drove the dagger home through the vulnerable side.

But I eyed him with hidden animosity for he had got me to run after him under somewhat false pretences. Mrs Fyne had only smiled at me very expressively, very self-confidently. "Oh I quite understand that you accept the fullest responsibility," I said. "I am the only ridiculous person in this this I don't know how to call it performance.

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