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Peter Tobey, a poor, faint-hearted pirate like me. May I have him to keep, sir?" "Bless me, but there will be no pirates left to hang," was the quizzical reply. "Master Cockrell has adopted you, and now I am ordered to be kind to Bill Saxby and Trimble Rogers if I meet up with 'em." "That's the whole list, sir. Ask Jack Cockrell.

This aroused their sympathy before he told them of his escape from the Revenge and his adventures with Bill Saxby and the crippled buccaneer. In their turn they explained how Captain Bonnet had sent them down the river to await the return of the two men who were now stranded in the wilderness two days' march distant.

Gladstone were both Williams. Many other great men have been Williams." "But not Billies," said Christine Silber, provoking a giggle from the greedily-listening White Class. Greta scorched them into silence with a look, and continued: "He is by profession a surveyor, not exactly a partner in the firm of Gadd and Saxby, on Market Square, but something very near it."

And then, all of a sudden, it hit! We used to get in all our quotations in those days over the telephone, and every morning I 'd phone down to Old Man Saxby that owned the Sampler then to find out how the New York market stood. The treasury, you know, had been buying up three or four million ounces of silver a month for minting.

The skipper was Captain Jonathan Wellsby who was taking this holiday cruise before sailing for England to command a fine new ship in the colonial trade. In the cabin were Jack Cockrell and Joe Hawkridge, Councilor Peter Arbuthnot Forbes, and that brisk young linen draper William Saxby. In the forecastle were trusty seamen who had sailed in the Plymouth Adventure.

In the manner of a priest the buccaneer intoned a chapter of Holy Writ which he appeared to know by rote. Then he said a prayer in a powerful broken voice. Silence followed. The others waited with bared heads until Trimble said: "His soul has passed. Shall we give the poor lad a decent burial?" "His grave is ready. He helped dig it himself," said Bill Saxby.

Just then there was heard a sudden and riotous commotion among the pirates at the creek. It was a mad, jubilant uproar as though some frenzy had seized them all. Bill Saxby leaned on his musket and listened for a long moment. "The rogues have fished up the sea-chest, by the din they make," said he. "We left that sounding rod a-stickin' in the mud. They save us the trouble, eh, Captain Wellsby?"

I marked Joe as one of 'em, and he was sprightly, barring a bloody face." "Marooned, Bill Saxby?" asked Jack. "What's your judgment on that score? It cannot be many leagues from here, or the ship would have transported them instead of the boats." "These barren islands lie strung well out from the coast, Master Cockrell. Waterless they be, and without shelter.

This storm was the most violent that had till then been known, and from all accounts must at least have rivalled the famous "Saxby" gale of 1869. The tide attained a height of six feet above the ordinary, and huge waves, driven by the storm, broke through the dykes at the head of the Bay of Fundy, flooding the marsh lands reclaimed by the Acadians.

There was some confusion, while Bill Saxby bawled at the seamen as addle-pated lubbers. Deserting their boat, they scrambled to cover in the tall grass while those busy with the derrick gear rushed to catch up muskets and powder-horns. The strange boat was steadily forging up-stream and presently it was disclosed to view no more than a cable-length away.