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Whether the creatures made any attempt to devour the great lumps of flesh that they tore from the violently swaying carcass it was quite impossible to determine, but in any case the process of disintegration was a speedy one, for in less than ten minutes from the moment of attack all that was left attached to the hook was the head of the defunct saurian.

Modern science, by the extent of its generalization, has learned to indemnify the student of man for the defects of individuals, by tracing growth and ascent in races; and, by the simple expedient of lighting up the vast background, generates a feeling of complacency and hope. The human being has the saurian and the plant in his rear.

I'd like to explore them, wouldn't you?" "They look pretty gloomy to me. Probably full of monsters." Ringg patted the hilt of his energon-ray. "This will handle anything short of an armor-plated saurian." Bart shuddered. As part of uniform, he, too, had been issued one of the energon-rays; but he had never used it and didn't intend to. "Just the same, I'd rather stay out here in the sun."

On returning, I went lower down in the pool than the point I had started at, and passed a number of rocks worn into all sorts of curious shapes, and one of these leaned, like some gigantic Saurian, over the flood.

Each had a firm hold with his powerful jaws, and each appeared determined to keep what he had got. The yellow eyes of the jaguar seemed to flash fire, and the black sunken orbs of the saurian glared with a lurid and deadly light. It was a terrible picture to look upon. For some seconds both remained apparently gazing into each other's eyes, and firmly holding the prey between them.

The jaws were broad at the base and the thing had, even in the photograph, something of the same repulsive appearance as the head of a vampire bat. "It is the result of the imagination of some Indian," I said. "No post-diluvian Saurian ever existed of that size." "Good God, man, you jump to conclusions," he said. "This is only a representation of the thing itself. Made in heroic size, so to say.

Of the fact that mastodons and creatures far larger than any now living on earth existed there, we have absolute proof, though gravitation must have been practically the same then as now." Just here they came upon a number of huge bones, evidently the remains of some saurian, and many times the size of a grown crocodile.

But more perfect specimens enabled Professor Owen, in 1858, to show that this fossil animal was a Saurian reptile, which probably fed on shell-bearing mollusks, and used its short and flat teeth, so thickly coated with enamel, for pounding and crushing the shells. Voltzia heterophylla. Portion of same magnified to show fructification. Sulzbad.

At a distance it would not have been very easy to make out the nature of the thing, and a newcomer to the scene, with no local knowledge of circumstantial evidence to guide him, would have hesitated between a buffalo or a hippopotamus and finally given a vote in favour of it being some slime-crawling saurian that we come across in pictures of antediluvian natural history.

They walked back from the door, whence they had escorted the delegation, and stood looking down at the saurian heads on the rug. Harrington raised his voice and called to a Kragan sergeant whose chevrons were painted on all four arms. "Take this carrion out and stuff it in the incinerator," he ordered. "Wait a minute," von Schlichten told the sergeant.