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Updated: July 31, 2024

I am invested with no authority for diverging from them. The money must be paid. 'In full and slap down, do you mean, Mr Riah? asked Fledgeby, to make things quite explicit. 'In full, sir, and at once, was Riah's answer.

If you'll allow me, I'll mention to Mr Riah when he comes in, who you are, and I'll tell him you're my friend, and I'll say my say for you, instead of your saying it for yourself; I may be able to do it in a more business-like way. You won't consider it a liberty? 'I thank you again and again, sir, said Twemlow.

The growing of the crops became an unending interest to her and she watched them, day by day, until she learned to know each separate plant and to look for its unfolding. When the drought came she carried water from the hydrant, and assisted by Mammy Riah sprinkled the young tomatoes until they shot up like weeds.

Thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of Fledgeby, calling from his bed, 'Hold your row! I'll come and open the door directly! But, in lieu of coming directly, he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more, during which added interval Riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience.

'Old 'un, said Fledgeby, when the Jew had put it in his pocketbook, and was putting that in the breast of his outer garment; 'so much at present for my affairs. Now a word about affairs that are not exactly mine. Where is she? With his hand not yet withdrawn from the breast of his garment, Riah started and paused. 'Oho! said Fledgeby. 'Didn't expect it! Where have you hidden her?

When they got down into the entry, Fledgeby, pausing under the shadow of the broad old hat, and mechanically poising the staff, said to the old man: 'That's a handsome girl, that one in her senses. 'And as good as handsome, answered Riah. 'At all events, observed Fledgeby, with a dry whistle, 'I hope she ain't bad enough to put any chap up to the fastenings, and get the premises broken open.

Coax him to use his influence with the Jew. His name is Riah, of the House of Pubsey and Co. Adding these words under his breath, lest he should be audible in the erect ears of Mr Fledgeby, through two keyholes and the hall, Lammle, making signals of discretion to his servant, went softly up stairs. 'Mr Fledgeby, said Mrs Lammle, giving him a very gracious reception, 'so glad to see you!

The accessibility of Riah proving very useful as to a few hints towards the disentanglement of Eugene's affairs, Lightwood applied himself with infinite zest to attacking and harassing Mr Fledgeby: who, discovering himself in danger of being blown into the air by certain explosive transactions in which he had been engaged, and having been sufficiently flayed under his beating, came to a parley and asked for quarter.

'Thank you, said Fledgeby, 'you're very complimentary to say so. I don't mind trying him again, at your request. But of course I can't answer for the consequences. Riah is a tough subject, and when he says he'll do a thing, he'll do it. 'Exactly so, cried Mrs Lammle, 'and when he says to you he'll wait, he'll wait.

Presently there was a rustle and a tap, and then some more rustling and another tap. Fledgeby taking no notice, the door was at length softly opened, and the dried face of a mild little elderly gentleman looked in. 'Mr Riah? said this visitor, very politely. 'I am waiting for him, sir, returned Mr Fledgeby. 'He went out and left me here. I expect him back every minute.

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