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'I don't, you know, proceeded Fledgeby with an ill-favoured glance, 'entertain the vanity of supposing that my wits could be of any use to you in society, but they might be here. You cultivate society and society cultivates you, but Mr Riah's not society. In society, Mr Riah is kept dark; eh, Mr Twemlow?

That's Lady Belinda hanging up by the waist, much too near the gaslight for a wax one, with her toes turned in. When they had plodded on for some time nigh the river, Riah asked the way to a certain tavern called the Six Jolly Fellowship Porters.

By-and-by, she said, breaking a long and patient silence: 'I beg your pardon, sir, but I am used to find Mr Riah at this time, and so I generally come at this time. I only want to buy my poor little two shillings' worth of waste. Perhaps you'll kindly let me have it, and I'll trot off to my work.

How he had come, in course of time, to look upon this one only debt of his life as a regular quarterly drawback, and no worse, when 'his name' had some way fallen into the possession of Mr Riah, who had sent him notice to redeem it by paying up in full, in one plump sum, or take tremendous consequences.

You have seen what Mr Riah is. Never fall into his hands, Lammle, I beg of you as a friend! Mr Lammle, disclosing some alarm at the solemnity of this affectionate adjuration, demanded why the devil he ever should fall into the hands of Pubsey and Co.?

'No, said Mr Fledgeby, 'Gender is ever what a man is bound to listen to, and I wish it rested with myself. But this Riah is a nasty one, Mrs Lammle; he really is. 'Not if YOU speak to him, dear Mr Fledgeby. 'Upon my soul and body he is! said Fledgeby. 'Try. Try once more, dearest Mr Fledgeby. What is there you cannot do, if you will!

An hour was spent in discussing the subject pro and con and at its end Admiral Seldon cried: "Quit running on dead reckoning and tell Mammy Riah to pack our grips, for your mother and I are off on the eight-thirty from Sprucy Branch and that means stepping lively tomorrow morning, Mary. And I want Uncle Abel to understand that the carriage is to be at the door at seven-thirty, not nine-thirty."

Ambler's room they found Mammy Riah, awaiting her mistress's return. "Put her to bed, Mammy," she said; "she is all chilled by the drive," and she gave her mother over to the old negress, and ran down again to the dining room, where the Governor was standing surrounded by the Christmas litter. "Do you expect to straighten out all these things, daughter?" he asked hopelessly.

How often so dragged down by hands that should have raised her up; how often so misdirected when losing her way on the eternal road and asking guidance! Poor, poor little dolls' dressmaker. One of Miss Jenny's firmest friends was an aged Jew, Mr. Riah, by name; of venerable aspect, and a generous and noble nature.

Oh, my child has been such a bad, bad child of late! It worries me almost out of my wits. Not done a stroke of work these ten days." "What shall be changed after him?" asked Riah, in a compassionately playful voice. "Upon my word, godmother, I am afraid I must be selfish next, and get you to set me right in the back and legs.