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The first of these was in enlarging my business, by adding a farm of one hundred a year to the parsonage, in renting which I had also as bad a bargain as the doctor had before given me a good one. "A second folly I was guilty of in uniting families with the curate of the parish, who had just married, as my wife and I thought, a very good sort of a woman.

"It's pretty near everything," she said, "about the way we've lived renting this house in the first place." He frowned and flushed. "Good heavens, child!" he said. "Can't you take a joke?

He had rented one of the farms to Lawrence Lewis, also the mill and distillery, and was desirous of renting the fishery in order to have less work and fewer hands to attend to; in fact, "an entire new scene" was to be enacted.

I've been renting it ever since I knew we were going to live in it. Here's the ring. He dropped it into her lap. She looked down at the stones, hard and bright like herself. 'Aunt Rose will be very much surprised, she said, and she was too happy to wonder why he laughed. Standing on the stair, Rose heard that laughter and went on very slowly to her room.

Flynn she felt would be more than compensated for in the delectable gossip she would pick. Pen did not ask Jim to take her down to the Ames place. She arranged to go down with Bill Evans, who kept a hog ranch near the dam. Bill fed his hogs on the camp table scrapings and filled in odd moments "renting out" his automobile.

It is well known that a single copy has already sold for 165 francs and also there has been quite a traffic in renting sheets of it for twenty francs the half hour. Coming back from Brussels, they drove through Louvain martyred Louvain! It was too dreadful to contemplate.

They thanked him; and, explaining to him that the business of renting houses was something new to them, for heretofore they had lived in one or two rooms they might have added, very near the roof they walked off with the stranger.

Christopher Badcock was a tenant farmer, in the parish of Martinhoe, renting some fifty acres of land, with a right of common attached to them; and at this particular time, being now the month of February, and fine open weather, he was hard at work ploughing and preparing for spring corn.

The houseboat could not be used in the same way, but he was sure he could get its price back by renting it to summer visitors to the New Jersey area. He had repainted it in two shades of green with a white top, and had made a few other improvements. Before renting the boat, however, he intended to have an extended houseboat vacation.

But I didn't say I'd let you carry off the improvements, nor that I'd go on renting the farm at two-fifty. The land is doubled in value, it don't matter how; it don't enter into the question; an' now you can pay me five hundred dollars a year rent, or take it on your own terms at fifty-five hundred, or git out."