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A flood of radiance from the relighted student lamp fell athwart the floor. The girl lay close and still, holding her breath. Ten seconds, perhaps, ticked on into Eternity: seconds that were in themselves eternities. Then: "No one here, O'Hagan." The door was closed, and through its panels more faintly came: "Faith, and the murdhering divvle must've flew th' coop afore ye come in, sor."

Presently in scuttled the former, puffing, and whimpering apologies, and presently the room was filled with the pleasant incense of eight candles that she lighted, and blew out and relighted, and wondered that we didn't enjoy the operation. Then Jane bounced breathless in, and made our discomfort perfect. I sat speechless, terrified, and disconsolate.

Sir, there's big money in it for all of us, if you and your crowd'll sit in. Money. Lar' monnay. No, that means change. What's money, Crump? Arjong? There's arjong in it, Squire. Get that? Oh, shucks! Hand it to him in French, Crump." Mr. Secretary Crump translated. The President blinked, and intimated that he would hear more. Mr. Scobell relighted his cigar-stump, and proceeded.

The air was alive with them. They had put out the lamp, and when he relighted it the place appeared black with the impish multitudes that were whirling round and round. After he had laid about him well with a stick for a few minutes they disappeared among the tiles; but when all was quiet again, they returned once more and extinguished the light.

He extracted a pad of writing paper and an envelope from the tray of his trunk, his fountain pen from his pocket, and, drawing his chair to the table and laying down his cigar reluctantly at his elbow, began to write. At the end of fifteen minutes, he tilted back his chair, relighted the stub of his cigar, and critically read over his epistle. "Dear Kid," it ran.

He struck a match, relighted the candle, and faced Miss Spencer once more. 'I'll do it again, she said, with a note of hard resolve. 'Oh, no, you won't, my girl, said Racksole; and he pulled out his revolver, cocked it, raised his hand. 'Put down that plaything of yours, he said firmly. 'No, she answered. 'I shall shoot. She pressed her lips together. 'I shall shoot, he repeated.

And the colonel, tossing aside the cigar which had gone out and been frequently relighted, soon found himself making a part of the avenue's night throng.

"But the man who comes up through that school is the man who learns the game the man who eventually will sit behind locked doors and talk in millions, while the office-made salesman is out on the road dickering in car-loads." He paused and relighted his cigar. "And you are offering me the choice of these jobs?" "Just so. Take your time.

Altogether the things that umbrella has done are wonderful, especially the fact that it has brought luck and riches to the priest of Glogova." A dark suspicion took possession of Gyuri, and when the candles were relighted, it was to be seen he was as pale as death. "Is the priest rich?" he asked. "Very rich," answered Mrs. Szliminszky.

Jealous and I am afraid that the kindling of that one feature of love relighted the fire of her passion thus fervidly. To be outstripped in generosity was hateful to her.