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A bare quarter-of-an-hour before the police began their search he had embarked with his family on a Japanese steamer lying in the Tientsin river and could snap his fingers at Yuan Shih-kai. Once in Japan he lost no time in assembling his revolutionary friends and in a body they embarked for South China.

Jenny and Carigny gave us a quarter-of-an-hour before dinner a capital idea! "VEUVE ET BACHELIER." As if by inspiration. No preparation for it, no formal taking of seats. It seized amazingly floated small talk over the soup beautifully. I questioned him again. 'Oh, dear, yes; there can't be a doubt about it, he answered, airily. 'Roy Richmond has won his game.

"Ah, but the Ambassador and you, for the last quarter-of-an-hour, have been for them as one. He's YOUR ambassador." It may indeed be further mentioned that the more Fanny looked at it the more she saw in it. "They've connected her with you she's treated as your appendage." "Oh, my 'appendage," the Prince amusedly exclaimed "cara mia, what a name!

Continue this, with frequent re-heating of the application for a quarter-of-an-hour, then allow the patient to rest. When you have soaped a patient as we have described, say twice, it is necessary to wash off the particles that may remain on the skin with white vinegar or weak acetic acid. Then, if you have overcooled with the soap and acid, it will be well to rub over with warm oil.

She carried it off, to put the matter coarsely, with a taste and a discretion that held our young woman's attention, for the first quarter-of-an-hour, to the very point of diverting it from the attitude of her overshadowed, her almost superseded companion.

The treatment under Glands, Swollen, should be followed. But besides, the whole membranous system of the glands must be stimulated. Daily rubbing briskly over the whole body with the cold-drawn oil of mustard for a quarter-of-an-hour will have this effect, and even by itself may cure.

As she herself had hovered in sight of it a quarter-of-an-hour before, it would have been a thing for her to show Charlotte to show in righteous irony, in reproach too stern for anything but silence. But now it was she who was being shown it, and shown it by Charlotte, and she saw quickly enough that, as Charlotte showed it, so she must at present submissively seem to take it.

I have just had such a cheerful quarter-of-an-hour a packet of YOUR letters to Mr. G. Think ! I've read them all! and they bring the writer back to me with queer and tender vividness. Such a change from Bishops!!! Why do you never address me as "Very dear and honoured Sir"? I'm not quite eighty-five yet, but I soon shall be. Ever yours, JOHN MORLEY.

At length Sir Samuel Hood came up in the Barfleur, and poured in a tremendous and destructive fire. The brave Frenchman maintained the action for a quarter-of-an-hour longer, when finding further resistance vain, and that he was deserted by his second, hauled down his flag. The enemy's fleet continued going off before the wind in small detached squadrons and single ships, pursued by the British.

Of course you have seen, even in our day, hour, quarter-hour, and minute glasses." "I used to practice by an hour glass," Jean replied quickly. "At least it was a quarter-of-an-hour glass, and I had to turn it four times." "It would be strange not to have clocks and watches, wouldn't it?" reflected Giusippe as they walked back to the hotel. "I guess it would!" Hannah returned emphatically.