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I stepp'd from the coach, open'd the gate, and crossing the small court, rang at the house bell. At first there was no answer. I rang again: and now had the satisfaction to hear a light footfall coming. A bolt was pull'd and a girl appear'd holding a candle high in her hand. Quick as thought, I stepped past her into the passage. "Delia!" "Jack!" "Hist! Close the door. Where is Mistress Finch?"

The crowd at the brink of the pool scatter'd to right and left, yelling. Up flew the beam of the ducking stool, reliev'd of their weight, and down with a splash went the pickpocket at the far end. As well for my own skin's sake as out of pity to see him drowning, I jumped into the water. In two strokes I reach'd him, gained footing, and with Anthony's sword cut the straps away and pull'd him up.

With a wrench I tugg'd my sword out and followed. I saw Sir Bevill, a little to the left, beaten to his knee, and carried toward me. Stretching out a hand I pull'd him on his feet again, catching, as I did so, a crack on the skull that would have ended me, had not Billy Pottery put up his pike and broke the force of it.

Killed upwards of 300 Hogs, 150 Head of Cattle, and a number of Sheep, took a number of Horses, pull'd up and destroy'd their Potatoes, cut down a great deal of their Corn, burn't their Hemp and did other considerable damage by the Indians exposing themselves too much we had 5 Killed & 2 Wounded.

Solander, Tupia, and myself put off in the Yawl, and pull'd in for the land to a place where we saw 4 or 5 of the Natives, who took to the Woods as we approached the Shore; which disappointed us in the expectation we had of getting a near View of them, if not to speak to them.

Once more he pull'd up as I judg'd, about twelve paces' distance from the edge and after considering for a second, began to move again; only now he worked a little to the right.

'Twas my friend the pickpocket: and he sat before a fire of dry sticks a little way back from the road. His scanty hair, stiff as a badger's, now stood upright around his batter'd cap, and he look'd at me over the bushes, with his hook'd nose thrust forward like a bird's beak. "Bien lightmans, comrade good day! 'Tis a good world; so stop and dine." I pull'd up my grey.

Dragging them back by the skirts, he told me he must take the depositions, and pull'd out pen and ink horn. "Sirs," said I, laying poor Anthony's head softly back, "you are too late: whilst ye were cackling my friend is dead." "Then, young man, thou must come along." "Come along?" "The charge is homocidium, or manslaying, with or without malice prepense " "But " I look'd round.

When the ass had eaten his macaroon, I press'd him to come in the poor beast was heavy loaded his legs seem'd to tremble under him he hung rather backwards, and as I pull'd at his halter, it broke short in my hand he look'd up pensive in my face 'Don't thrash me with it but if you will, you may' If I do, said I, I'll be d....d.

I pull'd him after, and crept forward. I wonder'd the man did not hear us: but by good luck the horses were restive, and by his maudlin talk to them I knew he was three parts drunk on the funeral wines, doubtless. I crept along, and found the tool chest stow'd against the further end: so, pulling it gently out, we got behind it.