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The second commission made its visit in 1471. It consisted of Jean Pellet, treasurer of Vesoul, and Jean Poinsot, procureur-general of Amont. The third commission was under the auspices of Monseigneur Coutault, master of accounts at Dijon. He carried with him the report of his predecessors and made his additions thereto. The important point was to find out how much revenue could be obtained.

And yet the eyes of Veronique, when she raised them, encountered those of the procureur-general, and the expression on that blanched face brought the color to hers. "I could not die in peace," said Veronique, in a voice of deep emotion, "if I suffered the false impression you all have of me to remain.

There was an instantaneous movement towards imitating the example on the same evening. Pasquier de la Barre, procureur-general of the city, succeeded by much entreaty in tranquillizing the people for the night. The "guard of terror" was set, and hopes were entertained that the storm might blow over. The expectation, was vain.

M. Fouquet, therefore, would be able, by stirring up parliament, to maintain himself even against the king; and the king could as easily, by humoring M. Fouquet, get his edicts registered in spite of every opposition and objection. The procureur-general can be made a very useful or a very dangerous instrument."

"Because the hare will be the very one who will not be over pleased to see M. Fouquet surrounded by all the attributes which his parliamentary strength and power confer on him." "Oh! oh!" murmured the poets. "Quo non ascendam," said Conrart, "seems impossible to me, when one is fortunate enough to wear the gown of the procureur-general."

Chapais-Marivaux took a month to find doctors who would not allow pity to interfere with their professional duty, and on October 6th the prefect wrote to Réal: "M. le Procureur-Général has just had the woman Acquet examined by four surgeons, three of whom had not seen her before. They have certified that she is not pregnant, and so she is to be executed to-day."

The last sentence being open to the interpretation that the subject of the caricature was a dishonest man, a complaint was lodged with the Procureur-General against the proprietor of the paper, and was supported by the newly-constituted Men of Letters Society. This Society, of which Balzac may be considered almost the founder, came into existence during his journey to Italy in the preceding year.

"Rara avis in terres!" cried Conrart. "And like a black swan, is he not?" added La Fontaine; "well, then, the bird in question, black and rare, is already found." "Do you mean to say that you have found a purchaser for my post of procureur-general?" exclaimed Fouquet. "I have, monsieur." "But the superintendent never said that he wished to sell," resumed Pelisson.

This declaration, which was caused by observing the phenomenon that formerly made Veronique so beautiful on her return from the holy table, made a great noise in Limoges, where for a time the young deputy, to whom the place of the procureur-general was said to be promised, played a leading part.

Helene was taken red-handed in the theft of wine, and was dismissed. Fifteen days later she took service with the Bidards. These are the salient facts of Helene's progression from 1833 to 1851 as brought out by the investigations made by and for the Procureur-General of Rennes. All possible channels were explored to discover where Helene had procured the arsenic, but without success.