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Among them were the Procureur-General, the Procureur-imperial, the Engineer-in-chief of the Department, the Director of Taxes, many Councillors-General, all the members of the Society of Agriculture, many officers of the army, many ecclesiastics as well as ministers of the reformed worship. Indeed, representatives of nearly the whole population were present.

Monsieur Ruffin, with his eyes fixed on Veronique, was stupefied. At this instant the carriage came rapidly up the avenue. "There are five of them!" cried the rector, who could see and count the travellers. "Five!" exclaimed Gerard. "Can five know more than two?" "Ah," cried Madame Graslin suddenly, grasping the rector's arm, "the procureur-general is among them! What is he doing here?"

How could I explain my precious pursuit of the eumoirous to a French Procureur-general? How could I put before him the point of view of a semi-disembodied spirit? I replied with lame lack of originality that my actions proceeded from disinterested friendship. "You are a pure altruist then?" said he.

The result is what we may call conflicts of obedience which have extraordinary interest for the psychologist, but which are less agreeable for the préfet, the engineer-in-chief, or the procureur-général. We note then, in the first place, how everything concurs to make the representative of the popular will as incompetent as he is omnipotent.

"Why do you speak to me, monseigneur," said Vanel, "of the post of procureur-general to the parliament; I know no other post than the one M. Fouquet fills." "Exactly so, my dear counselor." "You are not over fastidious, monseigneur; but before the post can be bought, it must be offered for sale." "I believe, Monsieur Vanel, that it will be for sale before long." "For sale! What!

"Well?" "A public scandal, for instance; and yet neither the legal proceedings nor the scandal can be commenced against him." "Why not?" "Because he is procureur-general of the parliament; because, too, in France, all public administrators, the army, justice itself, and commerce, are intimately connected by ties of good-fellowship, which people call espirit de corps.

To this request she added information about Catherine Curieux, begging Grossetete to interest the procureur-general in the good work she wished to do, and persuade him to write to the prefecture of police in Paris to recover traces of the girl. The circumstance of Catherine's having sent money to Farrabesche at the galleys ought to be clew enough to furnish information.

A long time had elapsed before she and her younger brother were legitimated by the King; I do not know for what reason. M. Achille de Harlai, Procureur-General du Parliament, helped to remove them by having the Chevalier de Longueville, son of the Duke of that name and of the Marechale de la Feste, recognized without naming his mother.

He possesses forty-six thousand francs, which old Madame Lorrain, who died in Paris in 1829, bequeathed to him. At the elections of 1830 Vinet was made a deputy. The services he rendered the new government have now earned him the position of procureur-general. His influence is such that he will always remain a deputy.

The Procureur-General requested the President to order the examinations of Captain Wright on the 21st of May' and at a later period to be read over to him; which heing done, the witness replied, that it was omitted to be stated that on these occasions the questions had been accompanied with the threat of transferring him to a military tribunal, in order to be shot, if he did not betray the secrets of his country.