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Beside all this, she was so prideful that, had she been of the blood royal of France, it had been overweening; and when she went abroad, she gave herself so many airs that she did nought but make wry faces, as if there came to her a stench from whomsoever she saw or met.

He had done this, too hastened her death; she must have suffered inordinately in her prideful affection. She said nothing, beyond the repeated admonition that he must not sit up into the night. The next day he forced himself to read to the end the report of the murder in the Gazette.

The subtle difference, whatever it was, made him get up and offer to shake hands with her, and he thought it was the newly-made vows constraining him, and took credit therefor. "You can revile me as much as you like now, Nan," he said, with prideful humility. "You can't make me mad any more, like you used to." "Why can't I?" she demanded. "Because I'm older now, and and better, I hope.

She was too tottery, too dazzled, too afflated to speak on the way thither, but, at the door, when with a bow I was intending to leave her, she bade me, in a madam-like way that cut off debate or refusal, to enter with her. Plain to the casual eye, it was the home of decayed gentility. Here would be refined eating of a dinner of herbs, solaced by talk of prideful yesterdays.

"'Twere a luxury wasted on the likes o' me. My couch shall be the corner yonder." "Ah, prideful youth! 'Tis sweet to be young, Martin!" says Penfeather with his sudden, whimsical half-smile and clapping his hand on my shoulder. "Sleep where ye will, that corner is as good as another.

The possessor of such a garment will wear it conscientiously throughout the longest journey and during the hottest noons. But when he relaxes in camp, he puts away all these prideful possessions and turns out in the savage simplicity of his red blanket.

The team had struck its stride early at the protracted meeting so competently fostered by the resident pastor of Emmanuel Chapel, the Rev. A. Risen Shine. To himself, as already stated, the latter took prideful credit for results achieved and results promised. Well he might.

Conversation at the round-table was general and lively that evening, and not until the port came on the prideful club port, served only on special occasions and in wonderful, delicate glasses did Average Jones get an opportunity to speak to Waldemar aside. "I've been looking into that Linder matter a little." "Indeed. I've about given up hope." "You spoke of an old scandal in Linder's career.

A splendid idea! Aleck was almost too proud of Sally for words she said SHE never would have thought of it. But Sally, although he was bursting with delight in the compliment and with wonder at himself, tried not to let on, and said it wasn't really anything, anybody could have done it. Whereat Aleck, with a prideful toss of her happy head, said: "Oh, certainly! Anybody could oh, anybody!

Doors and windows were canvas flaps; the sheet-iron stove was set up on four flat stones for legs; the stovepipe was run through a hole in the roof. And when Chuck Evans and Tod Barstow, amateurs in the carpenter's line, stood back and wiped the sweat off their brown faces and looked with fond and prideful eyes at their handiwork, Helen and her father were no whit less delighted.