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Indeed, one would imagine that her appearance would have soothed and tranquillized the anger of any parent capable of feeling that glowing and prideful tenderness, with which such an exquisitely beautiful creature was calculated to fill a parent's heart.

I wish that I had the power to set down on paper my feelings when I received that first narrow black band for my cap. I suppose that I had some of the same 'prideful' sensations that dear granddaddy did when he was very young, and cut the first notch in the stock of his rifle-gun. But how much better my notch is! It means that I am fast getting able to save lives, not to take them.

"I suppose, after all," mother mused on, surreptitiously wiping those prideful eyes, "that there is something in Inspiration, and the dear child just had to wait till she got it, and that she doesn't know any more than we do where it came from." "No, I daresay she doesn't."

Kay gets them all winging." "Even so, he will not so far forget his ancestral pride as to admit it, or even give the slightest intimation of it." "He is a prideful sort of chap. I noticed that. Still, he's not a prig." "He has pride of race, John. Pride of ancestry, pride of tradition, pride of an ancient, undisputed leadership in his own community.

"Ah, Don Miguel," Pablo assured him in Spanish, in tones that were prideful beyond measure, "that unfortunate fellow has been shaking hands with the devil for the last forty-five minutes." Don Mike opened his eyes widely. He was rapidly regaining his full consciousness. "Your work, Pablo?" "Mine with the help of God, as your illustrious grandfather, the first Don Miguel, would have said.

"Climb on, then!" Jack was young and he was very human. It might be his last hour on earth, but there rose up in him a prideful desire to show them whether he had ever been on a horse; he caught the saddle-horn with one hand and vaulted vaingloriously into the saddle without touching a toe to the stirrup.

If you pick up the shrunken pages of your Times or Tatler, do you wonder at the reason for their shrinkage or do you realize there are fewer literates in the world than there were ten years ago? "The Americas were upstart continents, werent they? I am not speaking sarcastically, my point is not a chauvinistic one, not even hemispherically prideful. And the Old World the womb of culture?

Father Dominic looked the rejuvenated ruin over with prideful eyes and his saintly old face puckered in a smile. "Brother Anthony," he declared to that mildly crack-brained person, "that little conveyance has been responsible for many a furious exhibition of temper on your part. But God is good.

But in spite of all, Sophy had left the house; and her aunt was nursing her wrath against her when Madame Braeland's carriage clattered up to her shop door. Now if Madame had been a prudent woman, and kept the rein on her prideful temper, she would have found Mistress Kilgour in the very mood suitable for an ally.

Into this Eden, this Paradise in which I had never seen or heard of the slightest ailment, we, the prideful whites, had brought this deadly thing! Should we remain, I dared not face the consequences. "Is it... bad?" I managed to ask. "Pretty," moaned poor Whinney. "Left knee, small of back... spreading." "I'm going home," I said. "We'll meet here tomorrow afternoon at the same tune.