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Under such conditions Thomas Jefferson was sure to be the child of many prayers on the mother's part; and perhaps of some naturally prideful hopes on Caleb's. When a man touches forty before his firstborn is put into his arms, he is likely to take the event seriously.

Hit's jest thet I hain't been able ter come ter no conclusion one way ner t'other." She had spoken with a defensive tone, one hardly certain, but as she finished a prideful note crept into her voice. "But when I does decide, I decides fer all time an' ther man I weds with kin trust me."

If only he could have lived in the beautiful old home, and spent the rest of his life in prideful wrestling with the soil for goodly crops, in tasting the peace of life which is the right of those who have worked long! But it all seemed too late. When a man has become welded to toil he can never separate himself from it without distress and loss of his own substance of individuality.

Stokes for not glorying with her when the bride and bridegroom drove off in their "own carriage," leaving her in a state of prideful excitement, and Rose Dillon in a flood of tears. "Well, sir!" exclaimed the old lady "well, sir, you see it has turned out exactly as I said it would; there's station there's happiness. Why, sir, if his brother dies without children, his own valet told me, Mr.

But wasn't it plain logic, that if the hat was to bring the man, it should be worn where at any minute he might see it?" "But my dear, my dear! If such a man as a woman like you should have, had seen you wearing that hat in the morning, on a railway train, he would merely have thought you prideful and extravagant. You would have been far more attractive to any man I know in your blue sunbonnet."

Fully as important as these is it to explain the social relations that properly exist in the home, the school, and the neighborhood, to show the mutual dependence of all upon one another, and to point out the advantages of co-operation over a prideful individualism and frequent social friction.

The two Dorothys, Captain Caleb Parish's wife and daughter, were ending their journey on foot, for upon them lay the duties of example and noblesse oblige but the prideful tilt of their chins was maintained with an ache of effort, and when the cortège halted that the beasts might blow, Caleb Parish hastened back from his place at the front to his wife and daughter.

Of course, when Ralph Gaynor comes out to visit us he's the gent that introduced me over the phone when Ralph comes out, he'd like to see a fat bank account and talk woozy stuff of safety margins, earned increments and that crazy rot, but I yearn to show him a going concern, a likeable thing, prideful of its upbuilding. "Landy and I will get along all right.

'With the polis, said Kim ... 'Yet I saved the Kamboh's child. The lama snuffed blandly. 'Ah, chela, see how thou art overtaken! Thou didst cure the Kamboh's child solely to acquire merit. But thou didst put a spell on the Mahratta with prideful workings I watched thee and with sidelong glances to bewilder an old old man and a foolish farmer: whence calamity and suspicion.

With the gray dawn growing in the room, she rose, turned to Mara, and said, in prideful humility, "You have conquered. Let me go into the wilderness and bewail myself." Mara saw that her submission was not feigned, neither was it real. She looked at her a moment, and returned: "Begin, then, and set right in the place of wrong."