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The President stood up in his carriage and prefaced his speech with this exordium: "Don't cheer, boys; I confess that I rather like it, myself; but Colonel Sherman, here, says it isn't military, and I guess we had better defer to his opinion." With his inimitable wink, which would have been an independent fortune to a stage comedian.

But it so impressed Isaura, that the same night she concluded her letter to Madame de Grantmesnil, by giving a sketch of its substance, prefaced by an ingenuous confession that she felt less sanguine confidence in the importance of the applauses which had greeted the Emperor at the Saturday's ceremonial, and ending thus: "I can but confusedly transcribe the words of this singular man, and can give you no notion of the manner and the voice which made them eloquent.

Hall's meals were served in what the child called "the smoke room," meaning the apartment just described, which was at all times strongly scented with tobacco. The Sunday dinners were stately and formal affairs and were prefaced by lectures by the housekeeper concerning sitting up straight and not disturbing Cap'n Hall by talking too much.

He fell in with the arrangement, for he detested her sister, who always prefaced every remark with 'Have you read ? As he never read anything, he thought she was making fun of him. 'And what, asked Miss Clomber of Hazel, lowering her lids like blinds, 'was your maiden name? 'Woodus. 'Where were you married? 'The Mountain. 'Shawly there's no charch there? 'Ah! Ed'ard's church. 'Edward?

On the contrary, he prefaced his inauguration of this junior Caesar by the following tender words Let us confound the rapine of the grave, and let the empire possess amongst her rulers a second AElius Verus.

"Smoky" waited, in an attitude of ease, expecting the affair to be conducted according to Fishampton's rules of war. These allowed combat to be prefaced by stigma, recrimination, epithet, abuse and insult gradually increasing in emphasis and degree.

This invasion of the land was prefaced by a previous invasion of the Cretaceous sea by modern forms of mollusca and fish. It is easy to imagine how an analogous change might come about in the existing world. There is, at present, a great difference between the fauna of the Polynesian Islands and that of the west coast of America.

Nicias, however, resolved to make one more effort, and he came forward to speak again, hoping by a new device to check the torrent of popular enthusiasm. Affecting to regard the matter as settled, he entered into an estimate of the force required for the proposed expedition, prefaced by an alarming picture of the wealth and power of the Sicilian Greeks.

It was suggested that Mrs Nasmyth should be called in, and the deacon cleared his voice to read it to her. "If there's anything you don't seem to understand or remember," prefaced the accommodating Deacon Slowcome, "don't feel troubled about saying so. I expect we'll make things pretty straight after a while."

Appius prefaced his decree by observing that the very law, which Virginius's friends were putting forward as the ground of their demand, clearly showed how much he favoured liberty. But that liberty would find secure protection in it on this condition, that it varied neither with respect to cases or persons.