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Updated: August 12, 2024

Countess! see What it portends, and hasten back with speed. The QUEEN, PRINCESS EBOLI. Help! Help! O Queen! he's seized! QUEEN. Who? EBOLI. He's arrested By the king's orders given to Marquis Posa. QUEEN. Who is arrested? Who? EBOLI. The prince! QUEEN. Thou ravest EBOLI. This moment they are leading him away. QUEEN. And who arrested him? EBOLI. The Marquis Posa.

My junior partner may be the eyes and legs of the firm and I may be some other portion of its anatomy, but you are its heart and its conscience. Out with it! What rascality portends? What bird of evil omen hovers above the offices of Tutt & Tutt? Spare not an old man bowed down with the sorrows of this world!

"That all points to his being indeed young Belamour," said her father; "age, military appearance, and all I wonder what this portends!" "What a disaster!" exclaimed Harriet, "that my sister and I should have been out of the way, and only a chit like Aura be there to be presented to him."

It is because I can't separate the look of things from what it portends; that rich variety is but the token of disease and death." "Surely," said Mary, "colours have their own intrinsic beauty; we may like them for their own sake."

"You see that bustle. You know what it portends. What compensation can there be for that?" "It is a question you should be the last to ask, my lord. You have seen the niece of Guidobaldo, and having seen her, can you still ask what compensation does this marriage offer Gian Maria?" "Do you, then, not understand?" returned Aquila, with a wan smile. "Do you not see the tragedy of it?

The Observatory, the first building to find a place apart from the Campus, was set upon its hilltop some distance northeast, because of the need of clear air and quiet; advantages now almost lost in the proximity of the hospitals, heating plant, and railroads that portends an eventual change in location. The Observatory has grown rapidly since its establishment by Dr. Tappan in 1852.

The most curious thing, and which would have augured worst to a calm judge, was, that they silently seemed to agree not to understand that any alteration had really taken place between them, which, we think, was a bad sign: because a lover's quarrel, we all know, like a storm in summer, portends a renewal of warm weather or ardent feelings; and a lady is never so well seated in her admirer's heart as when those betters are interchanged which express so much, and those explanations entered upon which explain so little.

Often in midwinter will come, now and then, a long fall of soft snow piling three or four feet above the ice crust, and work a real hardship for the dwellers of these streets. When such a storm portends the weather-wise blacktail will go down across the valley and up to the pastures of Waban where no more snow falls than suffices to nourish the sparsely growing pines.

Thus for thirty-six minutes of exertion per day the man was drawing five hundred and forty pounds per week. All these things appeared in the public prints; but no public writer took any serious notice of a symptom which is as significant as any ever observed in the history of mankind. It is almost awe-striking to contemplate these parasites, and think what their rank luxurious existence portends.

Heat-lightning has a quicker flash and is much less intense." "What do you suppose it portends?" "I can form no idea, Excellency." "Oh! my lord," said Haydée, "a terrible storm is coming, I am sure; I feel a premonition Of approaching danger. I pray you, guard against it."

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