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Starting with a hundred colonists? Where are your mathematics?" The Co-ordinator said, "The proof is there. We estimate that each of Rigel's planets now supports a population of nearly one billion." "To be more exact," Plekhanov rumbled, "some nine hundred million on Genoa, seven and a half on Texcoco." Mayer smiled wryly. "I wonder what the residents of each of these planets call their worlds.

Plekhanov, flanked by Chessman and Watson, strode heavily toward the ship's lounge. Natt Roberts and two of the Tulans remained with the small boat. Two of the other natives followed, their eyes darting here, there, in amazement, in spite of their efforts to appear grim and untouched by it all. Amschel Mayer was already seated at the officer's dining table.

In justice to those who had to give way to the Lenine-Trotzky crowd of supporters, I wish to state emphatically that I do not want to put them on the same plane. Tseretelli, Plekhanov, Tshcheidze, and their co-workers are men of great courage, high ideals, and personal integrity. On the other hand their successors in power are men of a totally different type.

"Leonid Plekhanov is no longer with us," Chessman said dourly. "Under pressure his mind evidently snapped and he made decisions that would have meant the collapse of the expedition. He resisted when we reasoned with him." The four members of the Genoese team stared without speaking. Jerry Kennedy put down his glass at last. "You mean you had to restrict him?

They'll think they've got us trapped." "They will have!" Plekhanov roared. "I countermand that order, Watson! We're withdrawing." Barry Watson raised his eyebrows at Joe Chessman. "Put him under arrest," Joe growled sourly. "We'll decide what to do about it later." By the third day, Mynor's rebel and nomad army had filed through the pass and was forming itself into battle array.

We have named that planet Genoa. The most advanced nation of the second planet is comparable to the Aztecs at the time of the conquest. We considered Tenochtitlán but it seemed a tongue twister, so Texcoco is the alternative." "Modernizing Genoa," Mayer mused, "should be considerably easier than the task on semiprimitive Texcoco." Plekhanov shrugged, "Not necessarily."

Plekhanov began to bellow an angry retort but Amschel Mayer popped suddenly to his feet and lifted a hand to quiet the others. "Our solution has just come to me!" Plekhanov glowered at him. Mayer said excitedly, "Remember what the Co-ordinator told us? This expedition of ours is the first of its type. Even though we fail, the very mistakes we make will be invaluable.

"Especially in view of the fact that we have a machine on the ship capable of transmuting metals." Leonid Plekhanov, Joseph Chessman, Barry Watson, Khan Reif and several of the Tulan army staff stood on a small knoll overlooking a valley of several square miles. A valley dominated on all sides but the sea by mountain ranges.

Jerry Kennedy was seated to one side, the only member of Mayer's team who had accompanied him for this meeting. Kennedy winked at Watson and Chessman. Watson grinned back but held his peace. Plekhanov sank into a chair, rumbling, "We hold no secrets from the Texcocans. The sooner they advance to where they can use our libraries and laboratories, the better.