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“I would rather try the other, Pita,” Stephen replied; for the thought of the passage by water through unknown forests, and then down the Amazon, exercised a strong fascination over him, and the idea of a toilsome journey of two thousand miles was the reverse of attractive. The war was, he was sure, nearly over.

The alley up which we were moving was planted on each side with that remarkable tree or plant, for I know not which to call it, the giant aloe, which is called in Spanish, pita, and in Moorish, gursean. It rises here to a height almost as magnificent as on the African shore.

It was a fearful act, but the feeling of revenge was strong within her. She next caught the blade of the spear now red with blood and placing the knives lengthwise so that they might serve as barbs tied them firmly upon it with the pita cord. Close up to these she pushed the mangled body, and then looped the lasso tightly to the shaft of the spear.

That night he asked Zengi-mizi, in whom sat the spirit of his father, what he had better ask Sipao for next? 'Biz-z-z, said the wasp, 'would you not like to be as great a chief as Insato? And Gopani-Kufa smiled, and took the Mirror and said to it: 'Sipao, Sipao, I want a town as great as that of Insato, the King of Pita; and I wish to be chief over it!

Stephen was delighted when the canoe pushed out into the stream, and they began their journey down the thousands of miles of river that had to be traversed before they reached the eastern sea-coast. Pita sat in the stern of the canoe, Hurka in the bow, while Stephen had a comfortable seat in the middle, separated from them by two piles of stores and provisions.

I behold the pita aloe, with its tall flower-stalk and thorny sun-scorched leaves. There is less of animal life here; but even these wild ridges have their denizens. The cochineal insect crawls upon the cactus leaf, and huge winged ants build their clay nests upon the branches of the acacia-tree.

We must go to-night,” he said briefly. “I have been told that I must give an answer to-morrow.” “I have been telling the señor,” Hurka said, “and he is ready to make the attempt at once; but I wish that they had given you a day or two longer, for there will be extra vigilance to-night.” Pita made a gesture of contempt. “They will but throw away their lives,” he said. “Let us go out.”

Several of the gods of the Ganges coincide even in name with those worshipped on the Ilissus and the Tiber: thus the Uranus of the Greeks is the Varunas, their Zeus, Jovis pater, Diespiter is the Djaus pita of the Vedas. An unexpected light has been thrown on various enigmatical forms in the Hellenic mythology by recent researches regarding the earlier divinities of India.

Stephen talked the matter over with Pita and Hurka, and found that they would prefer to make a bargain for themselves with some native boat carrying merchandise.

They had by this time re-entered their hut, and Pita at once began to examine the wall, and to decide where it had best be cut through. After some conversation with Hurka they determined to make the hole in the side wall, near the rear corner of the hut.