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One evening, while a little hilarity was going on in the royal apartments, Edmund noticed among the guests a robber named Leolf, who had not been invited. Probably he was a pickpocket; and as a royal robber hated anybody who dropped below grand larceny, the king ordered his retainers to put him out.

Yank and I did the listening and Talbot the interpellating. Johnny swarmed all over himself like a pickpocket, and showed us everything he had in the way of history, manners, training, family, pride, naïveté, expectations and hopes. He prided himself on being a calm, phlegmatic individual, unemotional and not easily excited, and he constantly took this attitude. It was a lovely joke.

"Vacancies in the factory, daily made, were daily filled by male and female workers; often queer enough people, and from all parts none too coarse for using. The pickpocket, trained to the loom six months in Bridewell, came forth a journeyman weaver; and his precious experiences were infused into the common moral puddle, and in due time did their work."

His hand "came in contact with a gentleman's pocket" as he pursued this visionary amusement, and for two or three minutes Coleridge was in danger of being taken into custody as a pickpocket.

They raised points that made the refinements of the ancient schoolmen seem blunt in comparison. No respecters of persons, they harried the rich and taunted the powerful, and would have as soon jailed a bishop or a judge as a pickpocket if he deserved it. Between them they knew more kinds of law than most of their professional brethren, and as Mr.

I imagine that a pickpocket, proud of his light fingers, must feel a sort of indignation with the careless woman who leaves in a cab a vanity-bag with all her jewels in it. Nature had made him a butt, but had denied him insensibility. He writhed under the jokes, practical and otherwise, which were perpetually made at his expense, and yet never ceased, it seemed wilfully, to expose himself to them.

"It was a pickpocket," some one called out from among those who came streaming from the room, "a tall man with a wound on the forehead. Did no one see him?" They all looked towards the door. "He passed out so swiftly," they murmured. Several of them had already reached the door of the cafe and were rushing down the street in the direction which Falkenberg had taken.

There is no longer any occasion to steal boys; for boys flock in crowds to bind themselves. The romance of the trade has fled, and the chimney-sweeper of the present day, is no more like unto him of thirty years ago, than is a Fleet-street pickpocket to a Spanish brigand, or Paul Pry to Caleb Williams.

"And when I've exposed you to the world as a commercial pickpocket, as a looter of the public domain after Congress has appropriated your fabulous coal claims will you nail up the door of this little cottage, and fire Dan?" "No." "Will you still be nice to me?" "My dear child, you are my guest. Come and go when and where you will.

"As mother felt in her pocket for some change, her fingers touched a cold and trembling hand which had clutched her purse." "Very good," interrupted the director, nodding his head significantly. "A pickpocket! Well!" exclaimed Mr. Bamberger, speaking the lines that here fell to him. "No, no, Mr. Bamberger," said the director, approaching, "not that way. 'A pickpocket well? so. That's the idea."