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Updated: August 19, 2024

But don't be long about it. Hurry!" As soon as the Doctor had departed Bumpo sought out Don Enrique and said, "Honorable Sir, you owe me three-thousand pesetas." Without a word, but looking cross-eyed with annoyance, Don Enrique paid his bet. We next set out to buy the provisions; and on the way we hired a cab and took it along with us.

You have enabled me, by your prompt action, to return to Palma this evening and sign the papers connected with this affair. Good! You are therefore entitled to a commission on the profit that I shall make. I have reckoned it out. It amounts to ten thousand pesetas a modest fortune, eh?" Tomaso nodded his head. He had always known that it would come.

He would begin, for example, on a very high note, shouting: "Look here! A real! Only one real! Ladies' and gents' hosiery at a real a pair! Look-a-here now! A real a pair!" Then, lowering his register, he would continue, gravely: "A nice Bayonne waistcoat. A splendid bargain!" And as a finale, he would add in a basso profundo: "Only twenty pesetas!"

At the end of the month Esteban was obliged to invoke the aid of Silver Stick to enable him to get along the last few days, entering thus into the humble and miserable flock bound by the priest's usury. Sometimes the Chapel-master, waking for an instant to reality, would give him a few pesetas, sacrificing the joy of obtaining a fresh score.

"Aluspiar, here come a few birds and we may work them for something," he said, and he planted himself and his card table directly in the path of the country-folk and began his game. El Bizco bet two pesetas and won; Manuel followed suit with the same results. "This fellow is a cinch," said Vidal in a loud voice, turning to the group of hayseeds. "Have you seen all the money he's losing?

José's father had left him, the result of a Spanish peasant's thrift, a couple of thousand pesetas. With this José Medina had gone to Gibraltar, where he bought a felucca, with a native of Gibraltar as its nominal owner; so that José Medina might fly the flag of Britain and sleep more surely for its protection.

I doubt nothing that Irving says of the Alhambra; he is the gentle genius of the place, and I could almost wish that I had paid the ten pesetas extra which the custodian demanded for showing his apartment in the palace.

Debts would be cancelled and fistfulls of pesetas would be distributed among the most recalcitrant, all at don Ramón's expense of course.

The Count opened a writing-desk, and produced several gold ounces. "A dozen of those will be sufficient," said Paco; "perhaps fewer. I will do it as cheap as it can be done; for I suppose the pesetas are not more plentiful with your señoria than with most of Charles V.'s followers. But it will not do to bargain too closely for a man's life." "Nor do I mean to do so," said the Count.

"I said that I would not ask for any sum that I could not double," said Mon. The little man sat blinking for some minutes silent in that absolute stillness which is peculiar to great heights and is so marked at Montserrat that many cannot sleep there. "I will give you any sum that you can double," he said, at length. "Then I will ask you for three million pesetas."

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