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CURRIE SAUCE. Stir a small quantity of currie powder in some gravy, melted butter, or onion sauce. This must be done by degrees, according to the taste, taking care not to put in too much of the currie powder. CURRIE SOUP. Cut four pounds of a breast of veal into small pieces, put the trimmings into a stewpan with two quarts of water, twelve peppercorns, and the same of allspice.

Or boil some slices or fine bread with a little salt, an onion, and a few peppercorns. Beat it well, put in a bit of butter, and a spoonful of cream. This sauce eats well with roast turkey or veal. TURKISH YOGURT. Let a small quantity of milk stand till it be sour, then put a sufficient quantity of it to new milk, to turn it to a soft curd.

If asparagus or artichokes are in season, you may boil these, and add them to your fricassee. TENCH BROTH. Clean the fish, and set them on the fire with three pints of water; add some parsley, a slice of onion, and a few peppercorns. Simmer till the fish is broken, the broth become good, and reduced one half. Add some salt, and strain it off. Tench broth is very nutricious, and light of digestion.

Cut up an onion in it and when the onion is of a light yellow color, place in the liver which you have previously sprinkled with fine salt and dredged with flour. Add a bay leaf, five cloves and two peppercorns. Cover up tight and stew the liver, turning it occasionally and when required adding a little hot water. Slice three or four livers from chicken or other fowl and dredge well with flour.

The flour is moistened with water, then shaken and stirred in a calabash until it forms into small hard granules like peppercorns, which will keep good for a long time if preserved in a dry place.

Lay some oysters over it, and roll the meat up tight and tie it. Stew it in a small quantity of water, with an onion and a few peppercorns, till it is quite tender. Prepare a little good gravy, and some oysters stewed in it; thicken this with flour and butter, and pour it over the mutton when the tape is taken off. The stewpan should be kept close covered.

When cold add one cup of mustard seed, two tablespoons of grated horseradish, one nutmeg grated, one clove of garlic grated, a pinch of ground ginger, one dozen whole peppercorns, half a tablespoon of prepared mustard, one teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of best salad oil.

Cover thickly with sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon. Serve hot with wine sauce. Fish a la Normandie. Boil a trout well seasoned; add 1 sliced onion, 1 carrot chopped, 2 sprigs of parsley and 1 bay-leaf, a few peppercorns and 1 tablespoonful of butter. When done, beat the yolks of 2 eggs with a little cream; add salt and a pinch of cayenne. Remove the fish to a platter.

When thy mind is made up, to argue with thee is pelting a rock with peppercorns. But thou hast some other reason, lad, unless I am much mistaken, over and above thy merciful nature and Christian forgiveness. Anyhow, come and see it, John. There will be good sport, I reckon; especially when we thrust our claws into the nest of the ravens.

Half a pint of water, two anchovies split, a clove, a bit of mace, a little lemon peel, a few peppercorns, and a large spoonful of red wine; boil all together, till your anchovy is dissolved; then strain it off, and thicken it with butter rolled in flour. This is the best sauce for skate, maid, or thornback.