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Well, this parlous and subversive little animal consists of a comparatively large mass of soft jelly, pushing forth slender lobes, like threads or fingers, from its own substance, and gliding about, by means of these tiny legs, over water-plants and other submerged surfaces.

Now I have seen superb potatoes grown literally in the sand at Scheveningen, and was not surprised to hear that Omey Island was once so famous for the national staff of life that few cared to grow anything else. But there are difficulties everywhere, and it is parlous work to break up ground at Omey.

There was a low murmur of anger, and a voice cried out from the rear: "Let him go. We hain't got no use fer damn cowards." "Whoever said thet's a liar!" shouted the boy. Lescott, standing at his side, felt that the situation was more than parlous.

Amos Totten set up the cinch of his sword-belt by a couple of holes and began another tour of inspection of the State House. He considered that the parlous situation in state affairs demanded full dress. During the evening he had been going on his rounds at half-hour intervals. On each trip he had been much pleased by the strict, martial discipline and alertness displayed by his guardsmen.

We pray that the saints may favor his design, and would especially recommend that our noble brother propitiate with prayers and offerings the holy Saint Hubert. We, ourselves, have importuned this holy saint, and he has proved marvellously helpful on parlous occasions. "Louis, R." The duke's anger was terrible and disgusting to behold.

It be a parlous job, and for mine own part, whether for the love I bear to the truth, or the hatred I cherish toward the scarlet Antichrist, with her seven tails 'Tush, tush, John! Seven heads, man, and ten horns. Those are the numbers master Flowerdew read. 'Nay, I know not for your horns; but for the rest I say seven tails.

This discord exercised a debilitating influence, and when Go-Murakami died , the Southerners found themselves in a parlous condition. For his son and successor, Chokei, failing to appreciate the situation, immediately planned an extensive campaign against Kyoto from the east and the south simultaneously. Then Kusunoki Masanori passed into the Northern camp.

Who is he goeth with thee? 'A fellow whose wit is greater than his courage, and yet he goeth with many for a born fool. A parlous coward he is, else might he now be fighting the Amalekites with the sword of the Lord and of Gideon. Yet in good sooth he serveth me well for the nonce.

After the general bath and a substantial lunch, Cleggett called all hands aft and addressed them. "Ladies and loyal followers and co-workers," he said. "We have passed some nights and days of peril. And there are, I doubt not, still parlous times ahead of the Jasper B. before our ship sets sail for the China Seas. But what is sweeter than pleasure snatched from the very presence of danger?

"Where is thy master, old hag, and where the bonny maid who glamours lords, and despises us bold lasses?" "Alack! master and the damsel have gone hours ago! I am alone in the house; what's your will?" "The crone looks parlous witchlike!" said Tim's father; crossing himself, and somewhat retreating from her gray, unquiet eyes.