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'I dare say! thought Aratov; 'that idea's a little too late, my good friend! 'What is wrong with Yasha? queried Platonida Ivanovna, as she slipped a three-rouble note into Paramon Paramonitch's hand in the doorway.

A stray cockroach was running about the table in alarm near Nevyrazimov's writing hand. Two rooms away from the office Paramon the porter was for the third time cleaning his best boots, and with such energy that the sound of the blacking-brush and of his expectorations was audible in all the rooms. "What else can I write to him, the rascal?"

Paramon Semyonitch? Baburin frowned; Musa turned away ... I did not understand the hint at the time. So passed two hours ... in no very lively fashion, though Punin did his best to 'entertain the honourable company. For instance, he squatted down in front of the cage of one of the canaries, opened the door, and commanded: 'On the cupola!

'Because Paramon Semyonitch is more fit to be your young lady's father; because such a difference in age excludes all likelihood of love on the girl's side. 'Excludes? Punin repeated excitedly. 'But what about gratitude? and pure affection? and tenderness of feeling? Excludes!

He reproached me for not having been to see them the previous day; 'Paramon Semyonitch, said he, 'expected you, though he did declare that you would be sure not to come. And Musotchka, too, expected you. 'What? Musa Pavlovna too? I queried. 'She too. She's a charming girl we have got with us, isn't she? What do you say? 'Very charming, I assented.

'Yes, I mused; 'she's a little spitfire she's a new type.... She's exquisite. Those hands know how to deal a blow, I dare say.... What of it! No matter! 'Paramon Semyonitch, she cried suddenly, 'isn't a republic an empire in which every one does as he chooses?

A whole week will go by without his smiling once! Paramon Semyonitch is my benefactor, I am deeply indebted to him; he took care of me, educated me; I should have been utterly lost but for him; I'm bound to look on him as a father.... But be his wife! I'd rather die! I'd rather be in my coffin! 'Why do you keep talking about death, Musa Pavlovna? Musa stopped again.

They had hard work, the two of them, to make a bare living there was no doubt of it. He took very little part in our conversation; he seemed more preoccupied than grieved.... Something was worrying him. 'Paramon Semyonitch, come here, said the cook, suddenly appearing in the doorway. 'What is it? what's wanted? he asked in alarm. 'Come here, the cook repeated insistently and meaningly.

Kunin did not dare to think that the priest had come on foot every day to see him; it was five or six miles to Sinkino, and the mud on the road was impassable. Further on he saw the coachman Andrey and the boy Paramon, jumping over the puddles and splashing Father Yakov with mud, run up to him for his blessing.

Paramón Paramónitch felt his pulse, looked at his tongue, interrogated him after a fashion, and finally announced that it was indispensably necessary to "auscultate" him. Arátoff was in such a submissive frame of mind that he consented to this also.