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Updated: August 20, 2024

She could talk as few women can talk, and when she had ceased her denunciations, Wilhelm Mencke was completely sobered, and sat pale and sullen and cowed before her. The desertion of her husband was the most humiliating of all her troubles; but her proud spirit would not yield to even this blow.

Everywhere we have an open woodland, the ground being partially covered with a very thin pasture, with little appearance of verdure. The trees nearly all belong to one family, and mostly have their leaves placed in a vertical, instead of as in Europe, in a nearly horizontal position: the foliage is scanty, and of a peculiar pale green tint, without any gloss.

I'll have something for you to eat when you come down." Eyebright's heart smote her afresh when she saw her mother's pale, anxious face. "You've been out so long," she said. "I asked Wealthy, and she said she guessed you were playing somewhere, and didn't know how the time went. I was afraid you felt sick, and she was keeping it from me.

His face was ghastly pale; his chin had a brown cut on it a cut half healed; his expression was haggard and drawn, as by intense suffering. For a moment he hesitated in the doorway, as if he had been dazzled by the light. Then he came into the room. He walked with just such a limp as I have seen in footsore tramps. We stared at him in silence, expecting him to speak.

He stopped and looked about him, and then, in fancy, he saw Edna standing upon the beach, her face pale, her eyes large and supernaturally dark, and behind her Mrs. Cliff and the boy and the two negroes. Not until this moment had he felt that he was alone. But now there came a great desire to speak and be spoken to, and yet that very morning he had spoken and listened as much as had suited him.

Gale, that hard, worldly sister, had not accompanied him on his last visit to Yew Nook his very last before this fatal, stormy might; if she had heard his cry, cry uttered by these pale, dead lips with such wild, despairing agony, not yet three hours ago! O! if she had but heard it sooner, he might have been saved before that blind, false step had precipitated him down the rock!

Archibald Cope was kindled by fires which gave color to his pale cheeks. "Will you be Olga from Petrograd?" "I'd love it." But the next morning it rained. "And you can't, of course, be Olga of Petrograd in the rain. Bunker Hill must have the sun on it, and the waves of the harbor must be sparkling when I tell you about the tea."

Above its pale tombs and crowded burial-places, above the wail of despairing humanity, the voice of Him who awakened life and beauty beneath the grave-clothes of the tomb at Bethany is heard proclaiming, "I am the Resurrection and the Life."

Burke came back, pale and agitated, and with a pronounced discolouration on her face where it had come in contact with the counter. "I must apologise, Mr. Wallace," she began, as soon as she entered the office. "Sure it's only us poor weak women who know the cruel pain of an unexpected blow. You'll not believe me, but when I heard the terrible news, it just turned my heart to stone, it did.

The grave, searching, wondering expression reappeared in the violet-gray eyes for a moment. "You're all right," said he. "Except those pale lips. You're going to be my girl. That means, if you ever try to get away from me unless I let you go I'll kill you or worse." And he laughed as if he had made the best joke in the world.

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