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But she lowered the handkerchief a trifle and noted that the governess was dressed for going out in a glistening black silk plentifully ornamented with jet paillettes. Miss Royle rustled her way to the pier-glass to have a last look at her bonnet. It was a poke, with a quilted ribbon circling its brim, and some lace arranged fluffily.

«Cette Cordelière occidentale contient beaucoup d'or de même que le pied de l'orient, et celui d'une autres chaîne très-longue qui s'en détache un peu au sud de Popayan, et qui après avoir passé par Santa de Bogota, et par Mérida, va se terminer vers Caracas sur la mer du nord; outre que l'or en paillettes occupe toujours des postes assez bas

It was of a strange green and a very long scarf of an intensely vivid violet spangled with silver paillettes was swathed around her bare shoulders and floated from her arms. One of the signs of her excitement was that she kept twisting its ends without knowing that she was touching it. He noted that she wore a big purple amethyst ring the amethyst too big.

With the perception which invariably marked her sense of fitness of things she had begun in the course of the fifteen minutes almost before the colour had quite returned to his face the story of her husband's idea of her soul, as a balloon of pink and blue gauze spangled with paillettes.

"It has nothing but CHIFFONS in it." "If ever I DO think of souls I think of them as silly gauzy things floating about like little balloons," was her cheerful response. "That's an idea," he answered with a rather louder laugh. "Yours might be made of pink and blue gauze spangled with those things you call paillettes." The fancy attracted her.

"I shall never see you in the future without it. But wouldn't it be necessary to vary the colour at times?" "Oh! Yes to match things," seriously. "I couldn't wear a pink and blue one with this " glancing over the smoky mousey thing " or paillettes." "Oh, no not paillettes," he agreed almost with gravity, the harsh laugh having ended. "One couldn't imagine the exact colour in a moment.

In two pieces, specks, or rather paillettes, of gold were found lightly and loosely adhering to the "Maru ;" so lightly, indeed, that they fell off when carelessly pocketed Veins of schist still remained, but in the galleries they had been followed out to the uttermost fibril.

And its black length took on a scaly look, glittering in that pink glow as if it were covered with small ebon paillettes. It grew cold and clammy. At its thicker end Gwendolyn saw that the Piper was supporting a head a head with small, fiery eyes and a tongue flame-like in its color and swift darting. Next, "Hiss-s-s-s-s!"

Free gold in paillettes was noticed by the Expedition in the micaceous schists veining the quartz, and in the chalcedony which parts the granite from the gneiss. The argentiferous Negro quartz everywhere abounds, and near the ruins of Bada lie strews of spalled "Maru," each fragment showing its little block of pure lead.